Tuesday 29 May 2012

Day 121

It's Day 121 already!
Good news is I woke up early today. I woke up at 6.18am and start making breakfast.

Image above is my breakfast on 29th May 2012. 

DH first class. Epic. So sleepy. Meh. I get so use in looking around and observing people, looking at people's bored face, looking at nerds focus face, stalking other people in DH. LOL! The best part. I have no idea what the lecturer talk about today. Great. Just great. Cerebellum? 4th ventricle? Doctor Eat Good Food? Yea right... DEGF. 

So much of cerebellum.
After DH, went to aka shop and get sandwich. Egg mayo. Yup I ate again. Despite my heavy breakfast, I'm still hungry. No matter how much I eat, I will still be hungry. Trust me. 

Physiology lecture class. I am so sleepy, I freak the lecturer out by supporting my chin using both of my hands and open my eyes wide staring at her. Yes, I did that for 3 minutes I guess. =/ Can't help it. Dear lecturer, I'll let you choose. First, me sleeping in your class or second, me staring at you in the most creepy way? You choose. Leave a comment below. :)

Histology class next, it was fun, 5 layers of cornea and 10 layers of retina. Totally unshockable. More layers? More weird names? More mnemonics? Bring it on. Medical student can take it. Trust me. Just do anything you want to pollute our brain. Just go ahead. I'm mentally prepared.

Stayed back during lunch time. I had my oats and granola for my lunch. I cooked them this morning and brought them to class. I woke up early, I have time for that.
Why don't you ask why I didn't go out for lunch? Well, that's because DEAN IS COMING FOR THE NEXT BIOCHEM CLASS.
He will ask so many questions and create a tension atmosphere in the class and make my brain freeze.

Indeed, he did a great job in making my brain freeze. By cutting someones attendance just because she can't answer, by asking and walking around and create more and more tension. I can't even smile and look up during the whole one hour. Pity my brain. Not pity me, pity my brain that need to suppress all my emotion and still trying so hard to absorb Biochemistry.

Next class, another Biochemistry class by Insulin Sir. It was okay. Just that I'm concentrating on the time to go back and then he announced that there's a need to discuss Block 3 Biochem exam paper. Everyone sighed and the Carbon Dioxide concentration in the room just increased ya?

After class, I went to do some grocery shopping and went to Snack Shack. There's nothing like rewarding myself for staying in class. Rewarding myself for attending all the Biochemistry lectures.

Masala meehun.
Super tasty. 
Left: vege. Right: chicken.
Conclusion, there's only vege left in the end.
Reached room, watched 2 episodes of Greys, slept, online, start doing Block 2 exercise and kill my brain cells, blog. After this post, I'm gonna say goodbye to internet, bathe, and sleep. I'm gonna sleep before 11pm remember? I'm trying to maintain this routine for this whole week. ;) 

All the best to those that are studying and preparing for exam. 
Good night!
Thanks for reading!


K said...

The girl is the like I have an eye okay...
by the way, u shud say, K does not freeze at all...he just will get lucky with easy questions.

K said...

got some error..the gal i have an eye*