Wednesday 29 February 2012

Day 33

Hi guys, today have been great. I woke up late. Around 9.15am. I slept late this few days watching Youtube videos. So I woke up late as well. But today is hash brown day so I rushed myself to the food court.
The caterer gave me 3 hash browns today. And I ate 3 slices of bread toast with 2 cups of Bournvita. I went to the library. I read Samson and Wrights Physiology book. Around 11.45am, I received a text message from C, asking me to get a visitor pass for my friend's dad. So I'm like OK, no problem. I don't wanna stay in the library any longer anyways. I slept for 3 times in there. (I'm so tired, forcing myself of the bed just for those hash browns)

I went to building, now you all know what it looks like. Very easily, I got the pass! It's 12pm then, I don't want to go to food court that early, so I went back to hostel. I planned to sit at the lobby and chit chat with C to kill time. (I saw her sitting there this morning when I'm rushing) So, I went back at 12pm, she's still there. But she will only be going to food court at 1pm. So I decided to go back to my room and go online.

Too bad there's something wrong with I-on. So I typed something to kill time. (it's my earlier post, title is matured) And I recorded myself talking. It's new to me, but I kinda like it. :D
So I went down, I saw C is not there on the sofa, so I think she left, I text her, she's still in her room. But I'm half way there already. So I just wait for her and did another video. After lunch, I went to collect my shirt that I send to alter the other day.

Get back, clean my room. I chuck all my note aside, leaving only Physiology. I failed my Physiology, so they must be on my table. So, after that I start watching HappySlip at 4.45pm. I can't connect to I-on. So I waited until 4.45pm and it finally worked!

I watched happily and suddenly C wanted to come to my room. I like sure, just come. And soon, she came. That's normal. But you know what she brought in with her? A stethoscope and sphygmomanometer! I'm like oh my god... I'm watching David Choi by that time. I'm like OK, I'm your subject for the day. Just do whatever you want. And she practiced on me. Yippy! Did a good deed. =P

My dinner is something chowmein from Chef Inn, did really like it. But I'm so full thanks to that food. =D
And I'm still watching Youtube videos now.
It's 29 February 2012. L use to say today was the day that God gave us. =D
Yea... so treasure today, I'll be watching more Youtube videos and I'm gonna start digging in with Physiology tomorrow.
Most importantly, I'm gonna sleep early today. And start getting myself ready for the waking up early for class timetable. I kinda feel excited about class starting. (What??!!)

Alright, good night! Thanks for reading!
Happy 29th February! xD


Thanks to all the awesome Youtubers, I tried recording myself. This sounded so psycho, but I actually like it. It's not for Youtube or some other people to watch it. But I actually enjoyed talking to the camera. ><
And because of that, I brought out my 2nd phone that I brought to India. My grandpa's ex-Nokia. You know how heavy duty Nokia is. So, I've switched my Sim card to my grandpa's phone. And I'm gonna use my original phone to film myself.

So, I'm gonna blog about my day today later on. This post is up,  just to let you guys know what's new for me today. Vlogging! I walked with my camera by my side and I talked. Local people in India started staring at me. So shy. It's been quite an experience. o_0

See you guys tonight! Keep reading.


Matured is never the word for me because I am childish and I don’t read news. My general knowledge level is below average, I don’t give a damn about everything happening around me, I only pay attention about what’s happening in the Disney world. But now that I’m away from TV, I didn’t even know what’s happening in Disney. So basically, I’m left with nothing but bunch of text books.

Internet has been my life for this period of time. I will tweet every day. I play Facebook games if I am bored. I watched Youtube videos. I stay in my room the whole day, blogging, video watching, movies watching, games and *BOOM!* whole day gone. Well, that’s vacation for me. Except for that trip to Bangalore and Mysore. Imagine what will happen if I didn’t make it for that trip. My one month time will just be that bored. OMG. Thank God my mom allowed me to tag along with D and Ss. Tsk tsk…

After watching Kevjumba’s videos, I noticed the difference between our mentalities. He’s talking a lot. And all his talking makes sense. No matter it’s he’s video from 2007. Make sense. 2008, make sense. 2009, make sense. Even until now, 2012. He’s making videos on Jumbafund channel it’s still OK. You know? I like him more in his 2007-2010 videos. What age will I be during that time? I will be around 17 or 18 by 2010. And he is hanging out with all those cool people. I’m like wow! I wish I could be that famous at some point.
But no. I don’t want to be that famous. There will be paparazzi and news reporter will go into your room and you are on news? No. But being on Amazing race was cool. =) Compared to Nigahiga, I like Kevjumba more. I like the way Kevjumba responds to the audience and the way he answers those questions. He is steady. I love that in him.

At some point, I will think of putting my video on Youtube so that I can earn money. But nah… I don’t think I so… *bang my head on the table* Every Youtubers are cool OK? I especially love Happy Slip. She original. =D

About David Choi’s music. I love those music videos. And he’s music equipment is… I’m like OK, that’s professional. So, I love the way asian Youtubers stick together you know? It’s so united and they help each other out and they hang out together. I like that.

Kevjumba’s dad. HEhe! It will just be weird to left him out. He is so funny. And a typical Asian parents. Every Asian parents really do want their children to be a doctor. Or else, a lawyer. Lmao! So this is where I ended up. $_$ Papa Jumba is so supportive and he is doing he’s best to bring the best out of KevJumba. I like this father and son relationship. I have a perfect father and daughter relationship too OK? So I’m not jealous. I just like the way the raise up a children and how supportive they can be.
Asian parents did save “that money” for their Children’s education fees. They really do! So, this is my mom’s plan she plan to make me study medicine since I don’t even know how old I am. She wanted to send me to US to study medicine. As I grow older, currency increases. So, they realized they can only afford me to study medicine in Australia. And then, I finally reached the age to decide where to go. And they realize they can only afford me to study medicine in India. I’m not sad, disappointed or something. My mom feels sad because she really want me to study abroad to those western countries so that I can improve my English. =.=
Since I have no plan in my life, I just follow their plan for me all along. So I’m studying MBBS now, trying to stay alive. I don’t hate them for sending me here. I didn’t hate myself to agree studying this course. I blame no one. Anyways, I think Asian parents are awesome. They will do everything and anything for their children’s better future. =’)

Finally Wong Fu production. I’m proud that there’s actually a production that success in US. I mean they have their own plushies, T-shirts, videos. And stuff. It’s cool.

I knew that filming was hard. I’ve been having this dream to be a TV star or celebrity before. But no OK? I participate in a MV shooting and I almost died of helplessness because we need to repeat and repeat the same scene. And we’re like walking thru and fro just to get the right shot. *bang head on table again* So, filming looks simple but it’s really not that simple. It’s killing actually. I will not want to go back to that memory. No no…

Well, this is my responds after watching all those Youtube videos for the whole day yesterday. xD
Hope you guys like it. Toodles!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Day 32

Welcome readers! My life today is full of Youtube videos. Thanks for my friend who introduced Wong Fu Production, Nigahiga, Kevjumba, HappySlip and David Choi. I'm happy viewing all the videos from them one by one today.

I slept at 2am yesterday night. So I woke up at 9am this morning. I'm too lazy to go to Mess breakfast because I knew that there were no hash browns today. >< So, I started watching Kevjumba. I watched each and every videos on Jumbafund. Then, I watched videos about Kevin and he's dad participating Amazing Race. And I watched more videos from Kevjumba.
Lunch time! After lunch, withdraw money. Send L's induction cooker to repair.
Back to room. Funemployed. Then Nigahiga.
Hungry. Went to aka shop, bought Egg mayo sandwich and an orange. BAck to room. Then David Choi. Here goes my afternoon.
Bathe! More David Choi.
After bathe, HappySlip.
Dinner! HappySlip.

C asked me whether to watch TV in TV room or not. I said no. And she said that I'm being sarcastic. And I got mad, and I hate her so much right now.
Every time, I replied her message properly. And she just need to say that I'm being sarcastic. She just NEED to do that. This is not the first time. I am not those people that will get mad for only a small issue. Actually I have my own limit too. One cannot repeat the same mistake for more than 3 times. If it exceeded 3 times and she's still doing the same friggin' mistake, I will burst. And when I burst, I won't make myself all emo and stuff. I'll just continue living my life. I just won't bother that single person. That's all. Friggin' hate her.

First time:-
C: Can I borrow your notes?
Me: I think my handwriting is too ugly. I don't think you can understand. (I don't feel like borrowing her)
C: But you will recopy them right? So can I borrow?
Me: Oh... sure. (Shit! Forgot that she knew that!) *piss about myself*
C: So you will borrow me right? OK. I want it tonight. Tonight OK? Give it to me by tonight.
Me: ... (I didn't even recopy my last few day's dissection notes. And you want me to give it to you tonight? You are the one that is asking favor from me. And what are you? My boss?!)

At last I didn't answer her. And I didn't borrow her my notes. Friggin' too much. *toot*

Second time:-
I forgot what is the detail, but I'm advising C, asking her to eat. Oh wait! I remembered.
Me: C, what's for your dinner tonight?
C: I'm going to eat biscuit. (like always)
Me: You better eat more, if not, you might get gastric.
C: What? Are you cursing me right now?
Me: No! I'm worried about your eating habit. I'm just asking you to eat more. Does that sound like I'm cursing you? I don't curse people. (mad)

Third time:-
Me: Hey, you wanna go Mangalore?
C: No... My timetable for this week is set by my mom.
Me: Oh... OK, I respect your timetable.
C: WTH? Why are you being so sarcastic?
Me: I'm not being sarcastic OK? I mean it. I respect your timetable. (mad already)

Fourth time (today):-
C: I feel like going to TV room and watch TV. Should I?
Me: No. You have a schedule to follow.
C: OMG. So sarcastic.
Me: I hate you. You always misunderstood me. bla bla bla... (I don't want to type the evil, mean message again)
C: Ok Ok, I respect you now. Haha!
Me: I am mad at you right now. Don't talk to me tonight. I need to calm down, if not, I will explode.

And she texted me, I didn't even bother to read them. I'm mad OK? I need to stay away. I warned her already. It's non of my business. I switch of my phone. And later at night, she came to my room and knock on my door. I won't open OK? Do you aspect me to open and not yell at you? Because I won't yell at her of course. But to control myself, I will have more toxic building up in my body, trying not to yell and explode on her. So I didn't open the door. I told her that I need space OK? I warn her. I suppressed my anger to reply her. FTW! *toot*

Conclusion for today's incident, I exploded. I can't get how people will "misunderstood" my message. Is she that evil to assume my message is all about curse and sarcasm? My God. First, I don't curse. I don't curse people because I believe in karma. What goes around comes around. Second, I'm a good person with a normal and healthy mentality. And whatever, I'm not here to brag about how good I am in life. Moral wise.

I won't care if she is hurt or sad or guilty. But I don't think she know where have she gone wrong. I'm just going to live my life normally. I'm going to watch HappySlip OK? I actually sacrificed my watching HappySlip time to blog. See? How I love you all.

Blogging to me now, is like a habit you know? I just need to blog and tell you all what happened. Good or bad, I just need to tell you all. OK, I'm gonna continue watching, good night!
Have a nice day!

Monday 27 February 2012

Stronger (What doesn't kill you) - Kelly Clarkson

This is so true. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. For me, it's this course. PBL doesn't kill me so it makes me stronger. Surviving block 2 makes me stronger. Even staying awake in a lecture class makes me stronger. 

You know the bed feels warmer
Sleeping here alone
You know I dream in color
And do the things I want

You think you've got the best of me
Think you've had enough the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone
Think you left me broken down
Think that I'd come running back
Baby, you don't know me, 'cause you're dead wrong

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes you fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over 'cause you're gone

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
[ Lyrics from: ]
You heard that I was starting over with someone new
They told you I was moving on, over you
You didn't think that I'd come back
I'd come back swinging
You tried to break me, but you see

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes you fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over 'cause you're gone

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone

Thanks to you I got a new thing started
Thanks to you I'm not the broken-hearted
Thanks to you I'm finally thinking 'bout me
You know in the end the day you left is just my beginning
In the end

[Repeat chorus]
[Repeat bridge x2]

I'm not alone

Scratching the stars from the sky.

Today I've been moving all day. Walked from 9am to 6pm. Then continue walking from Nanthini stall back to hostel. After that, I blogged and I continue my "I like to move it, move it" routine, grab those cleaners. SP's room first, then J's room, then L's room, then my room.

As I told you guys, SP's room is epic! Those "snow"...

This is the room beside SP's.

Just open the room door and you can see this! 

I'm waiting for those cleaners to clean. I'm standing outside.
So I did this. Complete lifeless. 

Look at the "snow"

My foot! With black nails. 

A pile of dust. 

Fully equip cleaner tray with various type of detergent, there's Dettol I saw it in the yellow compartment.  

Complete view of the cleaner's tray.
With different types of broom and mops. 

These are the spots on SP's window. 

All gone!
That's why I named the title - scratching the stars from the sky.
It sounded classic OK?  
J's room was OK. I cleaned her closet. Her closet! The compartment with her cosmetics and stuff. So dusty, dirty and messy! Even I can't take it. 

Then, it's L's room. The cleaner's thought that it's my room. Everything is clean and neat. And dust free. xD
They are happy because they thought L's room is the last room for tonight. Haha! Pity them.

After that, it's my room!
Can't believe they wanted to clean my room more enthusiastically than me. =X
They kept on asking where to clean. Where else and stuff. 
When I say no need, they'll say:" Huh?! Dusty wo..." And so I replied:" Aiya, clean lah clean lah!" 
Totally using Malaysian slang to communicate already. Lmao. 

I think this is it. It's 1.25am now. I'm tired as you all know what my day have been.
I managed to grab something to read. I read 5 pages of my novel.
So I did everything today! Yippy! xD

Good night people!
I'm gonna go to bed after I check my mail. =)

Day 31

Today is I-on day. And because recharging I-on took many steps and procedures, I make today my outing day.
9.00am - Food court : Ate 6 hash browns! and 4 slices of bread with tea.
9.30am - building for bank in slip.
9.45am - Atm machine to withdraw money.
9.55am - ICICI bank to bank in 800 rupees.
10.05am - Bought fork and spoon, yoga mat, washing powder.
10.30am - Went to exchange pirated CD.
10.40am - Bought Jasmine flower for 10 rupees to pray.
10.55am - Reach hostel.
11.00am - Chuck all those goods on the floor, fan on 2nd speed, grab all the keys (J's, L's, SP's and mine)
11.05am - L's room for her towel. Check on J's room.
11.10am - Pass by C's room, said Hi. Chit chat.
11.13am - Went to SP's room. First time since back from Mysore trip. Her room is full of white tiny dust due to major painting in 6th floor. OMG! And when I went in, I left foot print. =O
11.16am - Pass by C's room again. Told her about SP's room. Said bye.
11.20am - Back to my room. Chuck all the dirty clothes including L's towel into the bag.
11.30am - Send laundry. Took auto to Pizza Corner.
11.40am - Sent clothes to alter. Shopped. Tried on clothes. Went to United colors of Benetton, Fast track, Levi's, Weekenders.
12.30pm - Get on a bus to Big Bazaar.
1.10pm - Reached Big Bazaar. Shopped. Tried on clothes. Went into the fitting room for like 7 times? Or 5 times at least. Even I can't take it myself. Tak boleh tahan!
2.45pm - Took bus back to Manipal.
3.00pm - Bought another Jasmine flower for C. It's still in my room now.
3.10pm - Food court for lunch. Singapore Meehoon and Teh Tarik Ice.
3.30pm - building to submit the receipt for the Bank in slip. I lost my Bank in slip! I knew it when I'm in the Weekenders. =.= So I went and tell the lady. She asked me to come back at 4pm. ICICI Bank need time to find my file.
3.40pm - Collect laundry. Reached room, almost die from dehydration. Do you know it's like an oven outside? Even with an umbrella?! I'm sweating! So hot...
3.42pm - Start soaking my new clothes. White shirt first. And those lab coats that I haven't wash since 2nd Block exam. I know. I know. Stop it. I washed them already. Stop it.
3.55pm - Brush those lab coat like crazy. There's some certain spot that is really very dirty. Brushed like crazy. Continue soaking them with tap water.
4.00pm - Left my room. (I don't even need to use my umbrella because the sun is "setting". There's long long shadow that keep my away from the sun.) LOL!!!
4.10pm - Queue up for my I-on receipt. Got it. Went to library to submit it to the I-on guy.
4.18pm - Wrote for room cleaning.
4.20pm - Brush the lab coats like crazy for the last time. 2nd batch of dark color shirt came into the picture. Wash myself. Enjoying the icy cold water after such a long hot day.
5.00pm - Done bathing.
5.20pm - Try to go online. Can't connect. Called the I-on man. They said it will be done after 10 minutes.
5.30pm - Uploaded the post that I wrote last night when I'm having insomnia.
5.45pm - Tetris battling.
6.15pm - When down to meet C. Going to Thailin.
6.30pm - Reached Thailin. Ordered kangkung, Honey chicken and Char Siew (C want to eat pork so badly). Not that I don't like pork. It's just that I won't die without eating pork.
7.15pm - Trying to finish the dishes.
7.25pm - Finally finished eating. Went to Nanthini stall. C wanna buy milk! (Chinese slang: Miok!) lmao
7.35pm - Persuade C to walk back to hostel.
7.55pm - Reached hostel.
8.00pm - Reached room.
8.05pm - Convert photos from phone to computer. Rotate and edit them.
8.10pm - Went online.
8.15pm - Started blogging.
8.35pm - Still blogging aka current aka present.

Now, picture time!!!

First stop after food court. building.

After yoga mat shopping. On the way back to hostel.

On the way back to hostel, behind KMC greens.

Pathway between the girls hostel.  You all can see my hostel from here.
It's the building with yellow and maroon paint.
Will have a better view at the upcoming pictures. 

Still on my way back... Almost there, just one more turn.

Taadaa! My hostel! New international hostel. 

There's something wrong with the lift. Let me rest first.
Sat down and drank some water. *thristy* *dehydrated*
Featuring yoga mat, jasmine flower, washing powder. 

Hall way back to my room! 

They put a plastic bag for my "rubbish bin"! Aww~

I'm the key lady!
From left to right: SP's, J's, L's, mine.

Laundry shop is close. So I just chuck them there.  =P

Same place, on my way to take auto to Pizza Corner.

I'm in United color of Benetton. And there's some India flag parade going on.
It's their voting thingy. Just like Malaysia's Pas, and UMNO thing. 

I'm in Levi's fitting room! Love this! So cool.


I love this. But my leg is too short and I can't afford it. 

It says Demi. Demi lovato. 


The weekenders. There's no electric current.
So I need to walk out from the fitting room every time I wanna see my reflection . =/

Visitor's book! Cool! Not like the Domino's one. You know what I mean L. 

Took the bus to Big Bazaar. This route is like those Metro bus stop that go into housing area.
Super like!!!

Look look!! Purple house houses. 

This is a temple. Just happened that there a bus stop opposite.
Bus stopped, I snapped. 

The bus dropped me down at a junction. So I need to walk to Big Bazaar.
Look what I found. Dog's foot prints! Dog is everywhere in M'sia. 

Big Bazaar's fitting room. This is my last time entering the same fitting room today.
The 7th time that is... I'm tired already. 

On the way back to Manipal. Took bus again. It's a girls picture with welcome. Namaste. _(l)_

On the way to food court for lunch. Met Reem here. =O

Singapore fried meehoon much?

Teh tarik ice. Favorite drink when I'm worn out. 

I'm kinda impress by this thing. LOL!

Out from building. Back here to tell the lady I lost the receipt.
I can't believe I lost it!
I mean, everything is in my bag. 

On my way BACK to building after all the Lab coat scrubbing. It's 4.10pm.
Found this tree with weird fruits. o.0
Wondering what is that. 

I'm queuing. Feel bored. Snap this photo.
Upper left corner. Perfect! 

On the way to library. Going to pass the receipt to the I-on man.

Going back from library. Finally, I'm going back!!!

And this happened. It's the same lift. It's been weird since morning.
Thanks for this aka that work the magic. ;)

And I bought this too! It's a mini auto.
It says I love India!
Price: 20 rupees.

Dinner from Thailin.
Soya milk, kangkung, honey chicken (yellow), Char Siew (red), plain rice. 

Not that "licin". 

This is my busy I-on day. Once I need to leave my room to recharge I-on, all these will happen. Plus, I'm doing my back-to-"school" shopping today. So, it's been quite a journey and so I order the rejuvenating teh tarik ice to keep my spirit up.

I'm waiting for the cleaners to come right now. I'm going down to GET them if they are not here before 10pm. I'm gonna ask them to clean all four rooms. I'm gonna get this done by today! Since I'm so tired already. Might as well. 

My eyes are burning right now. I guess the eye bags are growing. You know, trying to conquer more part of my skin. o_0 Alright, this is my tiring itinerary for the day. Day 31. It's almost took my leg away. With all the walking. But I enjoyed it. =D Like always.

Thanks for reading, or at least browsing through the pictures. 
Good day!