Friday 24 February 2012


I watched "You to me everything". I stole it from L's hard disc. Although it's in Hindi (I think), but I still like the movie. Due to the 1.73GB left for my internet connection, I need to use it wisely before Monday. So I didn't go online and spend my time watching movies instead.

I Skyped with my family after Skyping with L. I love my dad. He's answer is NO. He's answer is so straight that it reminded my of my policy. Yes I will only like Malaysian. Yes I only like Chinese. Yes I will listen to my parent's opinion in the end. Yes I am a good daughter. Yes I will focus on my studies. Yes I will make my dad proud.

I fall in love easily. 
I fell off love easily too.

I just need a strong reason, that's all. I've been searching for a good reason not to feel guilty. Even me, myself are not certain that rejecting him is the right move to do. But now, I'm certain that I really don't need him in my life.

I miss being me. This morning on the way to food court, I fell fresh. I don't need him in my life. I've been me for so many years and I don't need someone to interfere right now. I enjoy walking fast. With the only priority in my life is ME. I enjoy walking so fast that my ponytail swing like a pendulum. I like walking alone with my earpiece on. I enjoy exploring by my own. I don't need another soul to be beside me and slow me down.

I'm so glad that I finally healed the hole in my heart. The hollow and emptiness. I've been so full of myself. I wanted that to continue. Being full of myself, where I can do whatever I want.

Now, I want myself to pass all the subjects in the 3rd block. I want myself to look pretty (at least I must agree so). I want myself not to be BROKE (improve in financial management). I want my family to be happy and healthy. That's all I want for now.

Most of all. I don't want eye bags. So I'm gonna sleep now. It's 12.30am. Maybe it's still early for most of you, but my eye bags disagree. Good night readers! Thanks for reading. More positive post awaiting! (Until Monday that is)

Good night!

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