Saturday 25 February 2012

Day 29

Wee hee! I'm doing project 365 for almost one month! A new record for me!
Mess breakfast is hash brown, bread with Bournvita. I just love hash browns so much! I love potato. I'm in love with potato. I can't imagine that people that attend my wedding and the main course is POTATO! *bomb*

Oh well, you all can see that I'm cracking jokes and stuff. I'm happy today. Haha! Because I can still use my I-on. LOL! And M (that guy) Skype chatted with me. This means that he's not mad, and he's still alive. (At least I think so...) I read Physio GIT today. As usual, I stopped half way. Which is after an hour. T_T I am really really guilty. So sorry! I'm gonna lock myself in my "prison" again tomorrow. My "prison", is also known as my office. My boss surely fired me already.

What did I do after I stopped? Well, I try wearing that Saree that I bought that day. Too bad I don't know how to tie it. So I simply fold it and tug it in some where. As long as it won't fall. So here it is!

I really love the flora. But it's kinda Aunty. =(

I just simply fold it.
L, when you got back, help me. 
So, this is it! That's the thing that distract me from GIT. Tsk tsk... And Tetris Battle again. Then lunch. C suggested a new place for lunch today. Mess canteen in the Indira Block. And it's mess. I'm kinda scared of Mess food. So I didn't take their mess. I order Aloo (potato) Parota and Egg - half curry. And It just cost me 35 rupess! And they have curd (yogurt)! Muahaha!

Taadaa!!! *Slurp*

And a mutated egg!
I think it's the spatula is the culprit. =.=''

Licin! It's so tasty!!! I love it~
After lunch, we walked around Indira Block. Since we didn't have that much chance to go into this hostel. Of course, I'm the one that dragged C along to explore and she just followed, unwillingly. xD 
We turned in every single junction we met. And C got lost. She didn't even know where is the exit. Muaha! xP
We walked, and turn, and turn, and we found this! This is the "window" or wall that is near to the KMC greens! The favorite place for couples to date and lovey dovey on the stairs. We are so surprise! Definitely an achievement. *proud*

Now we know where the wall lead to. ;)

When we reach hostel, C wanted me to accompany her to sit on the sofa in the lobby. Her favorite spot. Since I have nothing better to do, I sat there and chit chat with her. And we talked about Malaysian food. Ftw. I just ate and after all the chit chatting, I'm salivating. GIT... ... -.- 
Why will we salivate, stimulus are food and touch. Receptor is taste buds, through Chorda tympani (ant 2/3) and Glosspharyngeal (post 1/3) to salivating center (Nucleus tractus solitaire), afferent are Superior and Inferior Salivatory Nucleus then impulses will send to the effector organ respectively. Submandibular gland, sublingual gland, and Parotid gland. 

After chit chatting. We chit chatted from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. Just about Malaysian food! And we are not done yet. I miss Malaysian food!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I went back to my room, I continued watching Marley and Me. And I cried like "heaven" in the end. That dog died! And those kids are just so innocent. And they're like a family. And the dog died! T_T 

After that, Tetris Battle again. And I bathe. Took my own sweet time washing 3 t-shirts. After that, applying lotion like nobody's business. Btw, got fat. Sad. Went online, Thailin plan cancelled. Disappointed. At first, C suggested to go Thailin tonight. But I guess she need to Skype with her mom. So I'm just gonna go Mess dinner tonight. Just know that she's still full because of the Indira Block Mess lunch. I wanted to wait until night to blog to let you guys know about Thailin's food. Too bad, we're not going there tonight. So, I blog now. I don't know what to do tonight. Maybe really, I'll study in library. Maybe. Alright, I'm going there after dinner, since I'm half way there already. =/ 

But we most probably will go to Thailin tomorrow night. Which I am so excited because I miss the chicken so so much!!! And their green vegetables! Oh green veges. =') Alright, it's 7.15pm now. Still got 15minutes for Mess dinner to start. I'm gonna pack my bag and go to library then. Btw, BDS 3 is back. They're class starts on Monday. Pity them, went back to M'sia late but came back early.

After editing and adding some missing parts to this post, it's 7.32pm now. >,<
Gonna really pack my bag and I'm gone for good food.

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