Sunday 26 February 2012

What I like to do

I'm the one that likes freedom. I like to explore around alone. I love photography. Not bothering whether it's a perfect shot, I like to snap pictures about things that I felt that it's beautiful. Somehow, the beautiful scenery and view that I have seen is different with those that I've captured. But at least I took the picture down that reminds me of the beautiful beautiful things that I've seen.

I finished watching "Letters to Juliet" and it's an amazing love story. It is so romantic that it boozed my spirit up and I feel like writing. And so I blogged. I love watching romantic love stories but for me, romantic will only be romantic with the other one is your love ones. And then, there will be chemistry and people will be drunk by all those love.

I liked to watch movies. I enjoyed watching movies. I love movies more than drama. First, I don't have that much time for drama. Second, movies will give us a complete story, a perfect ending and a great message behind it. For "Letters to Juliet", love can be so so romantic. And there is no form for romantic.

I love lying on my bed and start reading. Whether it's novel or class notes, I love to lie down and read. I guess I'm too lazy to sit up. But I just love to lie down. I love lying down naked. Covering myself with only my blanket. I love my bed so much that I can just assume it as a big pirate ship where I can go where ever I want on it.

I love shopping. I love seeing things. I love beautiful things. I love nature. I like window shopping. I like trying out stuff. I like dressing up. I like to make things beautiful. I like to day dream. I like to imagine stuff. I like to watch Youtube videos. I like to play games. But even though I spend most of my time playing games if you noticed in my previous blog, playing games is not my utmost priority. I only play games when I'm bored. When I have nothing to do. I enjoy spending time wisely. So I developed a new hobby - blogging.

I know that my English is broken and my vocabulary sucks. But I like to blog. Because of blogging. It makes me think. It makes me think about what should I tell my readers today. What do I want them to know more about me. I really really enjoyed blogging. And especially now, when I'm inspired.

I'm inspired by the movie. It was so beautiful. And I'm a Disney kinda girl. I love happy ending. Movies like Marley and Me will kill me from inside out. It's too touching. I'm the kind of girl that would love happy ending. Every movie I watched, the ending must be good. If it's not, I'll rate it bad. Boo...

Actually I love traveling. I like seeing things. Especially the buildings. I enjoyed the way they build a building. Different city, different way of building it. Unique design, perfect architecture. I just love traveling. Exploring. I've been wanting to go to places. By my own. I prefer going places by my own. But I must face the truth. It's dangerous out there. So, I need some company. Company will be those that will be able to take care of themselves and keep their things in place and don't trouble me. (I know, I know, I'm a selfish bitch, It's obvious)

Other than that, I enjoyed insulting myself. Well, it's not insulting. It's telling the truth. I am selfish. I am bossy. I am full of myself. I am crazy. I love to rant. I enjoy wasting my readers time (that makes me a selfish bitch, again). So, I'm not actually insulting myself. Just telling the truth and getting the facts straight.

I like to stay in my room all day, wearing only my underpants. I like reading novels. I like drawing. I like coloring. I'm still a kid basically. I watch cartoon. My favorite animated movie are How you train your dragon, Rapunzel - Tangled, The legend of Guardian - the owl movie. I enjoy seeing my hair grow. I want it to grow till my waist. I love that length. Although my family would have been disagree, but I'm all the way in India now. So they can't really send a land mower to chop off my hair.

I enjoy spending time alone. But nevertheless, I enjoy spending time with my friends too. But I have specific rules to spend time with friends just so that my anti-social psyche won't jump out from nowhere. I can be a very good listener if I'm with a complete stranger or a not so close friend. Apprentice. One to one. Not more than one. If there's two, I don't know which one to focus on. I can spend time with a group of my close friend. Maximum 6. Preferably 4 or 5. Not more than that. If you follow these rules, I will be okay. And I will be able to open my mouth and talk. So relationship point will go up. If I'm going out with a bunch of people, say like 12. I will put on my poker face. I'm not gonna respond to lame jokes. I will stay away from guys. I will try to escape from the bunch of people just for a few breath of fresh air. I need to gaps for air if I'm going out with too much people. Actually, I would love my first impression to other people to be she's stupid. I know that will be really stupid. But I don't want people to know the real me and started judging. If they think that I'm stupid, they won't even bother to compete. I hate competition. I rather be thought of stupid than being compared with everyone else.

I guess that about it for now. Wow, look at what I've wrote for you guys and myself. It's like  a long introduction about me. I should probably name this post All about me - 2. But that name is so dull. I started with the title as "what I like to do" and I will keep it as what it were.

That's for tonight. It's 10.51pm now in India. Still early.
Hope you guys enjoy this post.
And btw, I have a new follower. Follower number 3. Because one of the follower is my twitter account. So that don't count. Welcome to my blog! Hope you like it!
Good night all. And may all of your day be beautiful and meaningful.

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