Tuesday 28 February 2012

Day 32

Welcome readers! My life today is full of Youtube videos. Thanks for my friend who introduced Wong Fu Production, Nigahiga, Kevjumba, HappySlip and David Choi. I'm happy viewing all the videos from them one by one today.

I slept at 2am yesterday night. So I woke up at 9am this morning. I'm too lazy to go to Mess breakfast because I knew that there were no hash browns today. >< So, I started watching Kevjumba. I watched each and every videos on Jumbafund. Then, I watched videos about Kevin and he's dad participating Amazing Race. And I watched more videos from Kevjumba.
Lunch time! After lunch, withdraw money. Send L's induction cooker to repair.
Back to room. Funemployed. Then Nigahiga.
Hungry. Went to aka shop, bought Egg mayo sandwich and an orange. BAck to room. Then David Choi. Here goes my afternoon.
Bathe! More David Choi.
After bathe, HappySlip.
Dinner! HappySlip.

C asked me whether to watch TV in TV room or not. I said no. And she said that I'm being sarcastic. And I got mad, and I hate her so much right now.
Every time, I replied her message properly. And she just need to say that I'm being sarcastic. She just NEED to do that. This is not the first time. I am not those people that will get mad for only a small issue. Actually I have my own limit too. One cannot repeat the same mistake for more than 3 times. If it exceeded 3 times and she's still doing the same friggin' mistake, I will burst. And when I burst, I won't make myself all emo and stuff. I'll just continue living my life. I just won't bother that single person. That's all. Friggin' hate her.

First time:-
C: Can I borrow your notes?
Me: I think my handwriting is too ugly. I don't think you can understand. (I don't feel like borrowing her)
C: But you will recopy them right? So can I borrow?
Me: Oh... sure. (Shit! Forgot that she knew that!) *piss about myself*
C: So you will borrow me right? OK. I want it tonight. Tonight OK? Give it to me by tonight.
Me: ... (I didn't even recopy my last few day's dissection notes. And you want me to give it to you tonight? You are the one that is asking favor from me. And what are you? My boss?!)

At last I didn't answer her. And I didn't borrow her my notes. Friggin' too much. *toot*

Second time:-
I forgot what is the detail, but I'm advising C, asking her to eat. Oh wait! I remembered.
Me: C, what's for your dinner tonight?
C: I'm going to eat biscuit. (like always)
Me: You better eat more, if not, you might get gastric.
C: What? Are you cursing me right now?
Me: No! I'm worried about your eating habit. I'm just asking you to eat more. Does that sound like I'm cursing you? I don't curse people. (mad)

Third time:-
Me: Hey, you wanna go Mangalore?
C: No... My timetable for this week is set by my mom.
Me: Oh... OK, I respect your timetable.
C: WTH? Why are you being so sarcastic?
Me: I'm not being sarcastic OK? I mean it. I respect your timetable. (mad already)

Fourth time (today):-
C: I feel like going to TV room and watch TV. Should I?
Me: No. You have a schedule to follow.
C: OMG. So sarcastic.
Me: I hate you. You always misunderstood me. bla bla bla... (I don't want to type the evil, mean message again)
C: Ok Ok, I respect you now. Haha!
Me: I am mad at you right now. Don't talk to me tonight. I need to calm down, if not, I will explode.

And she texted me, I didn't even bother to read them. I'm mad OK? I need to stay away. I warned her already. It's non of my business. I switch of my phone. And later at night, she came to my room and knock on my door. I won't open OK? Do you aspect me to open and not yell at you? Because I won't yell at her of course. But to control myself, I will have more toxic building up in my body, trying not to yell and explode on her. So I didn't open the door. I told her that I need space OK? I warn her. I suppressed my anger to reply her. FTW! *toot*

Conclusion for today's incident, I exploded. I can't get how people will "misunderstood" my message. Is she that evil to assume my message is all about curse and sarcasm? My God. First, I don't curse. I don't curse people because I believe in karma. What goes around comes around. Second, I'm a good person with a normal and healthy mentality. And whatever, I'm not here to brag about how good I am in life. Moral wise.

I won't care if she is hurt or sad or guilty. But I don't think she know where have she gone wrong. I'm just going to live my life normally. I'm going to watch HappySlip OK? I actually sacrificed my watching HappySlip time to blog. See? How I love you all.

Blogging to me now, is like a habit you know? I just need to blog and tell you all what happened. Good or bad, I just need to tell you all. OK, I'm gonna continue watching, good night!
Have a nice day!

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