Sunday 19 February 2012

The art of water

I've been wanting to post some meaningful blog instead of my daily rant. My dull daily life. People will sleep reading that. Every day, whole day, movie movie movie, game game game. Ish!

Watching that must movies online burned all my quota.
I'm basically with only 5GB left. From 30GB to 5GB. Excluding the day I went to trip. =/

Now, I just need a topic to talk about.
I watched a video clip about water understanding human thoughts, wording, pictures and stuff.
It's an experiment done by Masaru Emoto about water.
Do check it out.

Our thoughts can influence our surrounding.
And water can understand our language.
So, 70% of our body is made up off water.
With all the cytoplasm and blood, interstitial fluid and lymph.
We are very easily effected by our own thoughts.

So, stay positive, and the WATER in our body is positive then, we can live a happy and healthy life. =)
I've heard about this when I'm 18.
My violin teacher told me.
And now, the whole report, video is now here.
When my violin teacher tell me about it, it's just a book.
The influence is so great.
So, always kept a peaceful mind. Stay positive. And lead a beautiful life. ^^
May all of us be happy and healthy always. =D

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