Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 22

Woke up at 9am.
Miss mess breakfast.
Went online to collect my "Strawberry Cheese Cake" before it burns. (game)

After dealing with all the gaming stuff, I texted mentor to see her so that I can collect my paper and see what the hell happened to my Physio paper.
Starving since I haven't had my breakfast.
Ate papaya, mayo egg, and plain tuna as my breakfast.

Went back to room, watched Paradise Kiss and All well, ends well 2012.
All the movie watching make me skip my lunch.
I ate my lunch at 4pm.
Asian K, mee hoon goreng.
Then, straight to cut my hair! I mean, trim.

After trimming my hair which costed me Rs 220, I went to shop for clothes.
Tried on a Korean blouse.
It's pretty, but not suitable for class.
So no.
Bought a black vest.
No quality.
But I still bought it.
Shopaholic. -_-

Then, back to hostel and here I am, blogging, skyping, tweeting...
Btw, I downloaded lots of Classical music. =D
I miss Miss J. <3

Alright, gonna stop here.
I don't want to skip my dinner. xD

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