Sunday 12 February 2012

Day 16

I forgot to blog today.
It's 12.25am right now.
My normal blogging time is 6pm - 7.30pm.
I am too busy playing games.
I forgot that I am suppose to blog.

I am now blogging with my freshly paint pink nails.
Teehee! Going to Bangalore tomorrow.
The rule of applying nail polish is to apply them one day before the event.

For my toe nails, they are ugly today.
Be patient toe nails, you all will look pretty tomorrow.

I made today my "Whole day computer game"day.
Firstly, today is Sunday.
Sunday is a holiday.
So, say NO to studies, say YES to GAMES!
I played lots of games!
Even games I haven't play before.

Once, there's a Moral teacher told us that the one people that we always tell lies to is our self.
It's actually kinda true.
Look at the work that we've piled up. =X

How's my day today?
I'm exhausted.
I can't believe my playing games stamina decreases!
I can't even catch up my Form 2 speed.
Oh God, I'm old.
Slow synapse, slow reflex.

I have sync my iPod.
Playlist - Trip.
It's fully charged now, I sure hope the battery will last.
It's 12.40am now.
Very sleepy, but I need to finish blogging.
Because I love blogging!

I haven't pack my bag yet.
Well, I just need some t-shirts and jeans, pj, towel, lingerie. That's all.
20 minutes, done.
Even quicker than blogging. xD

I redecorated my Pet Society house, I play Bejeweled, and I'm currently hooked to a Goodgame Farm Fever thing. I just like it. Pity me... But this will only happen during holiday.
If class starts, I won't be like this (my old self) anymore.

Alright, it's time for me to go to bed.
Before my eye bags get worst.
It's already horrible but it can still be worst than horrible.

And I watched Conan!
I love watching it. =D

Good night! My room is still messy.
I don't think it will be tidy enough for everyone to really agree that it is tidy.
Me = denial.

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