Saturday 31 March 2012

No time wasted

Going to Mangalore today. It have been 2 months since I went to Mangalore. Going to watch The Hunger Games today. It's just another amazing and mind blowing movie waiting for me. =)

Going to get me a lot of stuff in Mangalore. I bought heels last time. Almost spend all my money on it. This time, I'm gonna get myself more stuffs. I want a moisturizer and more formal clothes. Haha! I want to enjoy myself to the fullest today. Just like what I use to do with Leader S and Blur S. 

The side effect of going to Shopping complex is nostalgia. Makes me miss them. =/ Yaiks. 

So, although I have tonnes left to study, but I'm going out to enjoy myself today. Time I enjoy wasting is not wasted time. It's 1st of April. Such a good start for April! Yippy! Happy spending money to ME! 

Day 63 - midnight

Had a wonderful night tonight. Hang out with so many friends. It's like I've accompany all my friends for dinner tonight. I like! No one is left out. Not even C. Love this feeling so so much.

Such a perfect night. Although it's just hanging out at Hot Chix, but the feeling of stay up late is there, non stop talking, non stop laughing. So funny.

Walked back and I saw a sudden movement near the bushes and I screamed. The bikers laughed at me! It's too funny and I laughed too! Lmao. It's a cat. LOL!!!

Went back and start drawing Histo. It's 12.50am now. Going to change the April calendar now. <3
Happy April everyone.

Day 63

After watching more than 3 hours drama, I'm having a minor headache now. Thale novu (Kannada language - headache)

The truth is I can't be a teacher. Because I can't accept the fact that my student don't get the concept. If the concept is easy, I can't understand why they don't understand. It will only make me mad.
Ego much. I admit I'm ego. After NBJ brought out this point. After today, I can proudly admit that, I AM EGO!!! =0

Classes was OK today. But the "middle pain" was really killing me. I can't control my "lower" sphincter.
Stomach ache on and off in between lectures. @_@

Going to Mangalore tomorrow! Happy, excited, can't wait to shop! Woah~ The smell of branded stuff and shopping mall, the smell of new clothes, the smell of civilized world. Told you I am smell orientated. ;)

Gonna have a great day tomorrow. I'm gonna check out Hunger Games review. Not what I will normally do, but it's better to read it up so that I can enjoy it more! =D

No big deal

It's just a date. Don't try too hard to plan. Don't try to hide it. Don't lie. Don't need to cover up. I don't really care about that day. It's just a date.

The only date I will worry is final exam day.

Conclusion, it's not Final exam. Don't kill your brain cell.

A true friend that cares about you.

Friday 30 March 2012

In time with you

Here you are, the drama that I am watching. In time with you
I like the actress, Ariel Lin. That's the reason why I start watching this drama. I'm in Episode 6 now. 

I like her clothes! 
方头狮 (Square headed lion) Birthday present that the Hero gave the Heroin. 

It all starts from here. This drama (It started with a kiss)
 I fell for this actor. I love this actress. 
Sequel of It started with a kiss - They kiss again. 
After watching both It started with a kiss and they kiss again, I'm not in love with the hero anymore. But I'm still in love with the actress, Ariel Lin. =)
Hope I can finish this drama soon! I'll make drama watching a positive impact to my life. Gambateh!!! 

Random b*tch

It's so shocking that someone just tell me that I'm beautiful. He actually use the word beautiful. LOL
Wow. Since I watched so many dramas, I know exactly how to reply.

Him: " I told you, you are beautiful"
Me: " And you are very smart"

Well, maybe it's not the perfect answer. At least this answer is better than feeling shy and stuff.
Except for this random guy that can say that I'm pretty during my Uterine wall shedding period (wrong timing), there's another guy that like to observe like I do. He's observing (starring) is epic fail. No one stalk people until that people noticed. Epic fail. I caught him looking at me thrice today. 哎哟喂呀

Lies, lies, lies. Aren't they suppose to like someone else? Pui Leng is so pretty. I totally dig her look in Block 3. Those guys out there, don't you know what is the definition of beautiful? So weird. -.-

Even I don't like myself nowadays. I'm so unhealthy and weak. Feeling sleepy 24/7. Feeling hungry every 2 hours. The whole face look so dull like cement. Hormonal imbalance, I can't even concentrate in class. 24/7 zombie face, especially in Dissection Hall. And yet people look at me. What is wrong with this world? Crazy. Everyone is so random. Trying to learn how to be a random b*tch like me? Try harder.



Day 62

I can't remember what happen today. I totally forgot what happened in the first class. Oh no... I remember now because I have my timetable and notes to remind me of what happened. Documents. But when I'm in dissection hall this afternoon, I totally forgot what happened in the first class this morning. What happened to me? =0

Anyways, I'm happy today. I blogged more post than usual today. Just because I have free time during the study break. =D I'm so proud of myself.

I feel very fresh in the dissection class today. I slept before going to class. Maybe that's the reason. I'm so glad that I'm fresh. Hehe! LOL
It's so rare for me to feel fresh nowadays. I guess it's because I bathe in the morning? The warm water make my blood circulates better and then I feel relax which caused me to be tired? That's my crazy theory, don't laugh. =]

I'm happy because the drama that I watched taught me quite a lot. It's a story about a 30 year old lady. Is my age suitable to watch this drama? I actually enjoyed watching it! So please don't stop me. =)

Alright, done blogging. Such a beautiful day. Wish all of you happy always.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Things to do before I die

Super important

Specifically, the only Disneyland I want to go is Tokyo Disneyland. 

Always have been my dream

This is easy. Now, I need rain. xD

Just like those in Tangled the movie. 
Learn phtography
Find out what's at the end of a rainbow
Been there, done that.
Currently working on it : 


March is ending...

March 2012 is about to end. What have I achieved from this month?

3rd Block starts, from very hardworking and determine to OK to piled up to confused to lazy.
Completed two PBLs, one more to go! Wee~! 
My cooking have improved! =D
From tasteless and disgusting to edible! (That's good enough)
Watched dramas, not 100% studying. Which is actually good!
Found my long lost "Cina" back.
Kinda miss listening to Chinese songs. =')
Fortunately, my bank account still have money. =0
Shocking! So I don't have bankrupt problem. =D
Question of the day from Qotd 1 to 11.
Looking back, at least I've learn a lot of new terms.
One of the crazy one is pseudohermaphroditism. I still can't remember the word. I Googled it. =/

Last Block, the King of the new term is Cyclopentanoperhydropenantherene ring. Hahaha!
This, I can remember. It's last Block's Champion word. xP

So yea, pseudohermaphroditism.

Get in touch with long lost Leader S and Blur S. Highlight of the month!
This is about it. Time really flies. See? From holiday mode to study mode. At least I'm still alive. So proud of myself. xD

Here, I wish everyone have a Happy March and even better April.
Let the past be the past, let's work hard together and create a better April!

Reality = Cruel

When I was 5, I thought I am a princess. My everything is perfect. I'm the smartest, the prettiest, teachers loved me and all.

When I was 7, reality struck me. I am not a princess. No matter what mummy say to make me feel better, she's just creating a princess image for me. For me to live in a fairy tale. When I noticed that I am not a princess, I didn't express any feeling of mine. I know mummy did that to make me feel more confident.

So I was never the smartest among my friends since I am 7. The truth says that I can't be the best. There's always someone better, someone smarter, someone prettier, someone more talented than me. I accept the fact. Nothing to deny about. That's the fact.

My heart was cold. I didn't bother much. I wish to shut down all my ability. I lowered down my target. Just because I knew about the truth. The reality, The cruel world.

And now, I am living my life for nothing. I don't even know what is my goal. But I would like to stay alive. Because if I am dead, my family will be sad. Especially me sister. I think she understands what is the meaning of die now.

I wonder, how did a children understand the meaning of die? When did they know it? What makes them understand it? I don't get it.

Dandelion love

Dandelion is better than bubbles. It floats, it's fluffy, it's hope. 

Day 61

I'm being lazy. I'm not that hard working anymore. This is bad. I'm in love with dramas. I thought watching drama is never gonna happen in a Medical student's life. I guess I'm creating problems for the future me. =/

Sorry, future me, I'll try to study later.

A big pot of soup today! Happy! =D
C is the first one to come, J is the second one, L haven't come and I'm already texting her, asking her not to come.

Since I can be easily influence by other, I am so into the character in the Taiwanese drama. She had a best guy friend. The best guy friend is very good looking too. Being classmates in high school and university, even I don't have such a friend. =)

I love watching drama because I love the story. Especially watching my favorite actress acting, I love it even more. I will  struggle hard whether to watch or to study. This will last for at least two weeks, by then, it's time to prepare for block exam. =/

Time flies, they always does.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Day 60

Side effect of stalking people = higher chance to know more about good dramas.
Conclusion, I am watching another drama again! *sigh*

Went to End Point after PBL to release stress.
I caught myself a dandelion. A huge fluffy one.
I like it. <3


I envy those that have brothers and sisters. How fun it is to have someone around our age to play with? Basically, those who have brothers and sisters learn how to socialize since young. Nothing like me. I've been brought up like a princess in my family. I'm the prettiest. I have everything. I don't share because I don't need to. Everything is about ME. Everyone loves me, everyone focus on me. Since young, the concept of the world rotate just because of you have been "planted" in my mind.

Of course, all this makes me sound like a bitch. In reality, I'm not a bitch. I don't act like a princess. No one will know that I am the only child from my family. No one knows because I don't act like one. LOL!

I felt that having siblings are so awesome. If you did something wrong, someone is there to defend you. If it's your birthday, you will receive wonderful gifts that you have been wanting for so long. That's because your siblings knows exactly what you like.

Siblings are the one that will cry if you leave them to a far away place for a long long time. For example leaving to India to study for two and a half years. If your parents shed tears when you are leaving, that's a different story. It doesn't sound that "sweet" anymore.

Siblings are the one that will stick together no matter what happen. Siblings are the one that you can share stuff with. Siblings are the one for you to bully on. Siblings are the one for you to release stress on. Siblings are the one that will accompany you to do pointless things. I wish I have an elder brother or sister or both!

Having someone elder above us have lots of advantage. They will guide you when you are lost because they have been through that stage. If I have siblings, I don't need to explain what LOL means to my mom. If I have siblings, I can do things that I am not afraid to together with them. If I want something, they can help me to persuade my parent. They are just helping because I will also help them next time if they want something! ><

If I have a elder sister, she will teach me everything about how to take care of my skin. Teach me everything about fashion. We will talk about the idol topic. We talk about celebrities, we talk about movies.

If I have a elder brother, he will protect me from other people. He will teach me all the cool stuff about cars and games. I can hang out with his guys friends and hang out with them too! Which is cool! When I desperately need a date, I can date my brother. xD

If I have a younger brother, he will be so good in sports and by accompanying him, I can lose weight. I can bully him because he is way more younger. ;)

If I have a younger sister, we can share secrets like crush and cute guys. I will play with her hair and I can share my things with her. She will tell me all about her problem and I can be the guru to solve all her problem. =)

Conclusion, I would love to have siblings. It's fun, it's cool!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Distance - Christina Perri

Distance by Christina Perri

The sun is filling up the room
And I can hear you dreaming
Do you feel the way I do right now?
I wish we would just give up
Cause the best part is falling
Call it anything but love

And I will make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long can we keep this up, up, up?

And please don't stand so close to me
I'm having trouble breathing
I'm afraid of what you'll see right now
I give you everything I am
All my broken heart beats
Until I know you understand

And I will make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long can we keep this up, up, up?

And I keep waiting
For you to take me
You keep waiting
To save what we have

So I'll make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long can we keep this up, up, up?

Make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long til we call this love, love, love?

I'm keeping my distance because I'm afraid that I will fall for you. =)

Waking up feeling happy

Being a medical student, it's rare to wake up feeling happy. Most of us will be brought down by heavy schedules and tonnes of text books to read.

Since I woke up feeling happy today, I'm in a very good mood. =)
Super good mood. Why? Because I stalk people yesterday night. That's all.  Haha!
Stalking is healthy for me. =D

Day 59

There will be Physiology PBL presentation tomorrow. I am so emo that I kept stalking people until I found some blog and I read them. LOL! Random much.

I think I'm a better stalker than my mom, because of all the social media, I can trace from Facebook to Twitter to Blogger. Hooray!

Sometimes, I really envy those with lots of siblings. Maybe this is why I'm so quiet.

After stalking, I know more about someone. Shocking!!! I'm so good in stalking. So yea, typical Christian family. He's girlfriend seems nice. Hmm, alright, it's time for some PBL. Although I finish reading it, nothing is in my mind. How? How?

I'll continue this stalker post tomorrow after everything is over. Here, everything means PBL. PBL will screw my study plan. For example I didn't even copy Question of the Day. LOL!

Can't bother much. Going to do my own PBL notes first. Toodles!
Happy stalking people! <3

I live my life

After an emotional chapter, I am fine now. I won't live a sad and miserable life just because I failed once. I believe that if I am brave to face the world again, I will be fine. Conclusion is I will move on.

Living with music and friends is the best thing ever! I love my life. =)

Who cares about you? I care about me! If thinking of you makes me sad, I will not think about you anymore. Since I love myself so much, I won't give a toot about you ignoring me. You look terrible you know that? I look terrible too. Does it mean that you like me? No. You still socialize. You talk to everyone around me but me. I'm fine with it. I have my friends. I have PBL to study.

I will do what I want. As for you, do whatever you want. Talk to me if you wanted to. Ignore me if you wanted to. I won't feel anything no matter what you do. I don't give a damn because now, I live my life.

Monday 26 March 2012


When some one special gave you a gift, you will keep in properly and treasure it.
I like this feeling. When you are using them, you feel special, you feel love.

7 years ago

I'm away from all my friends and I entered this high school.
None of my primary school friend are here with me.
I'm all alone, I entered this school, and I start my high school life.
We are in the same class. I like you.
I got your hand phone number, I know where you live.
I am such a professional stalker, I just want to know more about you.
Until one day, I over heard that you like me.
Since then, I thought that you really likes me.
So I start liking you.

It's your caller ringtone. That's why this song makes me so nervous and reminds me of you whenever I call you number. I am worried about what you will say to me. I'm nervous because I'm about to talk to you on the phone. =) That was back then.

After I did a really huge mistake, it's too late for me to change a thing.
We didn't talk after that incident.
This was so painful to me.
I think you are fine, more than fine.

Because of you, I am so cold to every other boys.
The cost is so much that I forgot everything about having a guy friend.
And because of you, again, I left all my friends and enter another new world.
I grew pretty much there. I became heartless and cold just to prevent myself being hurt again. =')

This is the permanent damage you did to me.
I am very fine now. People likes me. I like my life. I don't have enemy here. I think twice before I act. This is the lesson you taught me. Thank you. =)

I am stronger, I am wiser, I am a better me after I know you.
I miss walking in the rain with you.
I miss talking to you.
I miss walking around your housing area and get tachycardia.
I miss writing your name over and over again.
I miss stalking you just to know more about you.

But now, we are living a different world.
I wish you all the best.
Thanks for making me grow.

Day 58

I enjoyed studying with Instrumental music or Classical music on. It calms me down. Makes me more concentrate and I don't feel stress studying with this type of music on. =)

I gotta go my own way.

The pass has passed. It's been 7 years and I still can let it go.
I am living a better life than him. In the future, I will be living my own life without him even in my life.
So why can't I just forget? =)

I am laughing at myself. What kind a loser am I? After 7 years and I am still sad because of this?

It's time to live in the present, because it's a gift. =)

The "me" that I've been hiding from

Everyone has their weakness. For me, my weakness is my feeling. I get influenced very easily. A love song can bring me back when I am young and innocent. A love song can bring me back to the innocent girl that believe in love. 

Of course, I still believe in love. But after that incident. I am afraid to express my love anymore. I can't believe the "wound" is still there until I heard the same song, the same love song again. 

童话 - 光良。
This is the song that hurt me the most. 
I got rejected when I am 13. It don't feel good. But what to do? I'm the one crazy enough to confess. Am I too sensitive? The answer told me I am too sensitive. 

Since young, I've been brought up as the only child in my family. I'm the only daughter. 
Because of love, I can't think. I did such a stupid act and I hurt myself. 

It's been years. Lets see, it's been 7 years and the "wound" is still there. 
I am afraid to love. Who knows what will happen right? =')

Sunday 25 March 2012

Word of the Day - Styes


I've been having this problem since is was 5 and I learn this word from Victoria's tweet.
Styes is pimple or acne that present on the eyelids.
I have styes every half year since I am 5.
No matter big or small, obvious or not, I will have them.
It stopped when I am 15.
And now it's back. After 5 years.
Only this time, instead of having a huge volcano - like styes, I have many small ones. T_T

Styes, go away!

On call 36 hours

Aka The Hippocratic Crush.

They won't show the organ they will just show the equipment.
The only thing they will show closest to flesh is how to sew the wound. =/

But I like the house those intern stays.
I cried, I laugh, it's so Hong Kong.
Being in India for 6 months, I miss watching Hong Kong drama during dinner time. =)

The examination that they perform and the diagram that they show was OK.
I like the percussion and examination part.

It's basically a drama to let people know more about general knowledge about what department a hospital has, how everything works, and about health, the attitude a doctor should possess, the positive thinking that should be registered in everyone's mind.

I like! I'm glad that I'm so over this drama. I can't watch drama. I can, but I can't wait for the next episode. So every time when I want to watch a drama, I will look for the least episode one. So that I can finish it quick. The most important episode for me is of course the last episode.

I am so frustrated this afternoon because I can't connect to internet. I need to watch the last episode online. So I can't wait for the internet to get connected. After turning on and off my laptop for 3 times, finally I can connect to the internet. The feeling when you finally get something that you really want. It's very touching. =')
Well, for me is not that romantic because I found internet connection only.

Alright, I'm suppose to be studying now. Toodles!
Just wanna share my opinion after watching this drama.
So that I can truly get over it. =P

Day 57

I am lazy to blog! =O
But luckily I decide to continue blogging. It's been Day 57 already. Why stop now? Right?
So I continue watching the last two episode of On call 36 hours.
I start watching it to find out what's so special about it. Everyone is talking about it. Who knows, I can't stop watching it because of the love line. I can't wait for the hero and heroin to finally get together.
Crazy me.

PBL has been killing me always. Gonna present it next Wednesday.
I'm gonna discuss with someone else tomorrow.
I've read Ganong. Just reading briefly. But it's almost the same as what they teach in Biochemistry. =/
Which is good! I must use the free time in Block 3 wisely. Before everything is too late.
Alright, I'm gonna listen to music and read some other things now.
After today, my post will be short.
Instead of telling you all my same old boring routine, I will just mention the special things that happened on that day. =D
It's better for everyone. I can save time, and you all can save time too. Haha
Alright, really gtg.

Day 56

Another replacement post for Saturday. We learn Kannada language. Novu = pain. Hehe!
But the best achievement is, I've finish watching On call 36 hours. From episode 1 to episode 23 non stop. =)
I cried, I laugh, I can't wait for the hero and heroin get together. Haha!

I stole lots of songs from Rachel. So now, I'm enjoying my day by listening to 2005 songs. Ah... Nice. =)
High school days.
The days when I'm still home, with my friends, still playing everyday.
I'm a grown up now. =')

Alright, I'm gonna continue another Day 57 post.
Love you!

Friday 23 March 2012

Day 56

It's Friday... Friday... Again. Another Friday. The third Friday since Block 3 starts.

Wake up at 6.45am this morning. Bathe. I BATHE! Because I didn't bathe yesterday night. =.=
So expected.
Oats for breakfast. But since I am 10 minutes late, I can't finish my oats. And I forgot to put on contact lens. @_@
Such a blur morning.

First Biochem class is replaced by Physiology class. So, Mr Raju is here. =.= To ruined my beautiful morning.
Since I didn't wear contact lens, everything is blur and I can't observe.
I didn't yawn because I can hardly see.
Just trying to read his handouts to stay awake. =)

Anatomy class by HOD, Sathish Nayak. He taught about pancreas? Yea, he taught about pancreas.
He drew a few diagrams and explained. Such a good lecturer. =) *sob sob*

It's study break!!! !!! !!!
I went back to my room and slept for 2 hours.
I'm so unwilling to wake up. =(
But it's dissection class later. And I even dream that I missed my dissection class. LOL!!!
Walk to class very unhappily and unwillingly, and get into the dissection hall.
Before leaving my room, I remembered to put on my contact lenses to protect my eyes from the formalin. @_@

Dissection class is such a bore. But yet, it's so important. They (my table mate...) make me go look at the structure which is good! Because now, it's easier for me to identify. ;) Thanks table mates... LOL!

After dissection class, I went to buy vege with R and L.
Bought radish today~~~

Went back to my room and cooked.
Go online, Skyped with mom, copied Question of the Day, eat, continue Skyping, bathe, do Miss Sheetal's crossword puzzle with C. Loving the crossword puzzle! It's so scientific!!! LOL
Then I went to J's room to watch the Hindi movie and now, I'm still in her room. @_@
I'm gonna force her to watch more Wong Fu Production's videos.
She laugh at the "hugger" video like OMG... The moment when Phil hugged the shy guy. Lmao.

J is answering the crossword now. And when she finishes it, her expression is epic! Muahahahahaha!
And she is making me revising now. T_T Which is good for me again. @_@
Sad pathetic medic student life. Ble.
Gonna end here.

Thanks for reading! ^^

Day 55

I haven't get the chance to post yesterday because I am too tired. I enter my room and I collapse on to my bed. So I'm doing a replacement post. I might not remember that much details, but I'll try my best.

Breakfast = plain oats. 
It's class test day!!!
Erm, I'm not nervous, but I'm almost late. Late to class test. =.=
When I reached, everyone is in the lecture hall already. So, quickly took out my pencil box and water bottle, entered the hall, thank God my "old" Block 1 place is still available. Quickly rushed to the place and start writing down my name and roll number. Start answering... 

After that, straight to Dissection hall, who knows it's revision class. Revising upper limb, lower limb, those Block 1 stuff. And there's no lecturer at our table for us to bug. They will just sit there, and wait for people to ask them questions. =.= I don't like Thursday dissection class. =(

After that, back to Interact building... 
Physiology class. Renal physiology. I like! I know no one likes Mdm Surekha but I start to respect her after she manage to insert the Neuromuscular junction's steps in my brain. It's like she kept on repeating and repeating and repeating... Until it went into my brain. =D
She taught about the RPF and GFR. And stuff...

Anatomy lecturer class! Mr Narendra is here. Again. 
Which is good! Because he will start drawing and explaining. And make us "VISUALIZE" =D
He taught about pancreas. Good lecturer. Minus the lame joke part. =)

Lunch hour!!! 
I forgot what's for my lunch. 
Oh yea, we went to Asian K and I ate veg combo. ^^

Then started, 2 Biochem lecture. 
First, Sheetal's class. It's gonna be her second last class. Without reason, everyone is so restless and hyper. So we make lots of noise. Hahahaha!
That's a fun Biochemistry class. ;)

Next Chandreka, @_@
All the disorders are killing. There's 10 in total, we need to learn 7 out of the ten in details. And there's further classification under one type of disorder. So yea... Before teaching about the other disorders, she killed us with the correlation and biochemical findings due to deficiency of Glucose 6 Phosphatase enzyme. 
From hypoglycemia to keto.. acidosis, then something, then something... Got a lot la! 
The deficiency of Glucose 6 Phosphatase correlate to beta oxidation, lipolysis, lipid transport, gluconeogenesis, and I can't remember. =/

After her class, everyone's brain is so saturated and tired of Biochemistry. From class test to Biochemistry... 
It's totally fine for us seniors. ;)
No big deal.

Went back to my room, start cooking. Don't need to take down any pictures of my cooking anymore. Since the ingredients will me more or less the same. Hahaha! 
So I ate my dinner while watching a lame HK movie. 

Then I offered J food. Since she's hungry and she haven't ordered anything yet.
After eating. I ask her to stay in my room. Then we talked. 
There goes our time. I force her to watch the lame HK movie with me. Just like what I did to L. I told that I'm a selfish b*tch. What else. Huh! 
After that, I went to her room, she told me about some Hindi drama story, then I told her about a Taiwan movie and then I watched the Hindi drama together with her. OMG...
I left her room at 12pm I think.

And then I went back to my room and collapsed. @_@
The end. That's why I didn't bathe. I didn't mention anything about bathing. Tee hee! 

I am so so sorry!

I am so sorry, if you are waiting for my post yesterday, I am so so sorry. I am too tired and I fell asleep.
Haven't even have the chance to post! T_T
And I collapse on my bed. I didn't bathe yesterday night too!
That's show how tired I am.
Anyways, I'm going to post yesterday's post now. <3

Thursday 22 March 2012

What did I do?

Someone has been avoiding me.
He use to say Hi to me or at least smile to me.
But nowadays, he will just walk away when he sees me.

For someone as observant as me and as sensitive as me, I sense that something was wrong.
What happened?
I ignored him once in front of the Histology lab. That's all.
Not actually ignore, I just didn't say Hi when I see him.
Is it because of that? But for someone as sociable as him, this will NOT be a problem.
Plus, I did say Hi to him in the Histology lab. The second time I see him.

What is wrong? It breaks my heart when I noticed that he is trying to ignore me.
We didn't talk that much. But I totally can sense that he is avoiding.
Why avoid? I'm not a poisonous bitch.
I did absolutely nothing wrong!

I'm just sad because he is trying to keep himself away from me.
Did someone talk bad about me in front of me?
There's so many people trying to "spy" on me recently.
What happen in boy's hostel during the night?
It feels like I missed a huge episode from their life.
Aren't they suppose to be studying 24/7 like the same way they used to?

The one sitting behind me is spying on me.
The one sitting opposite me is spying on me.
What the heaven is happening?
I know they don't know much about me because I'm good in hiding my feelings and my real cheerful personality.
But I don't like paparazzi.

Instead of gaining all the unwanted attention from my spies, why don't the one that I really care about stop avoiding me?
He's been avoiding me since yesterday. =.=
Something fishy is going on.
I hope it leads to good thing.

I just don't want to fall in love with someone that I'm not suppose to.
That's all.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Day 54

Hey hey! Welcome to my blog. Guess I am in a good mood today.
I just finished bathing. It's 10.35pm India time.
Time to blog! =D

Woke up at 6.30am this morning! Started cooking. I put 5 tablespoon of oats this morning. After cooking, I realized that class will be starting on 9.15am. It okay, time to read upper limb. First Anatomy class test! Excited? Kinda, stress level zero. It's just class test. After all the Block exam, menstrual, PBL drama, class test is really a good opportunity for me to study. =) Think of it positively.

After having my oats with banana at 7am, I am hungry again at 8.30am. @_@
I remember I've added more oats just now. Why hungry again??!!
I don't understand...

Facebook chat with A, she's going to get her SPM result today. Woohoo! All the best A!
Went to aka shop with J at 9am.
Histo class at 9.15am.
It's so different. Everyone is reading Chaurasia while waiting for the class to start. I feel like I'm the little negative ion among all the positive ions. They are suppose to attract each other right? But we repelled. J and I. @_@

Entered the Histology lab, we stand at the corner. It's like we have no other place to stand but to stand at the corner so that no one will notice us. @_@
Histo class was plain boring. With Fluorence on my left and absentee SP on my left. Yana in front. All my dissection table mate. =/
I miss the old Histo buddies! ='(

After Histo is dissection. This is interesting, we are actually invading the Dissection hall to replace the Batch 30 juniors. Are there hot guys? 2!!! Do I like them? No.
Juniors are so curious about everything. They are so enthusiastic and they kept on bugging Miss Anita by Clavipectoral fascia. Which part did you not understand junior? Clavipectoral fascia lies under Pectoralis Major. That's all. And yes, it's a deep fascia. @_@
Wish you all the best when you are dealing with the nerves, arteries, origins and insertions. And the boss, ANASTOMOSES!!! Good luck. =]

After Dissection class, lunch break!!!
Went back to room and cooked. As usual, the three ingredients plus mee suah this afternoon. ^^

Physiology class~~~
Reproduction??!! =.=
So boring... Mr Barathi taught about... oh... the term is vast. Pseudohermaphroditism. *faint*
Don't faint yet.
He taught about Female and Male pseudohermaphroditism, Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS), Delayed or Absent puberty, Precocious puberty (true precocious puberty and precocious pseudopuberty). That's all. I don't know what is this. So yea... will read them next time. Not tonight. Tonight is Anatomy Block 1 day. Revising upper limb. =)

So basically medical student will be brainwash will all there vast term so that normal people can't understand a thing about what are they talking about. Evil...

After Physiology lecture class, it's PBL!!!
Physiology PBL. I didn't voice out anything during the discussion as I know nothing about Physiology. =.=
My confident level in Physiology is totally negative right now. I just know I need to read. =/
Sad case.

After PBL discussion, going to cook!
I cooked ABC soup.
Start cooking at 4pm. @_@
I know it's early, I'm hungry.
After many rounds of battle between angel and devil, I ate at 5.30pm.
Read General Anatomy, then slept.

Woke up at 7pm, receive the news that J is coming to my room to TASTE THE SOUP!
Super excited.
Heat up the soup and wait for her arrival. =D

She came, and she like the soup!!!
Yippy, woohoo!!!
Went down together and get her food from Chef inn, then I ate the 2nd round of my "dinner".
I eat a lot!!! I ate bun, french fries, stir fry vege, my remaining soup, and I licked all the mayo and tomato sauce. =X

Chit chat with J to make sure she's OK. Her paternal grandma passed away today. =(
So sad.
But she's strong. =)

She went back to her room, I studied about Arterial supply in upper limb, and went to bathe. After bath, I'm here, blogging. =)
I'm hungry again. I have biscuit. But that's for my after class test snack. I get hungry easily nowadays. I need food to prevent gastritis. o_o

I'm still thinking whether to eat something now. I think I'll eat half of the biscuits.
*sigh* I'm so gonna gain weight. What is wrong with me?

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Day 53

Finally, someone that are willing to eat my food. C, she want me to cook dinner. And I did!

Brown rice with carrot, potato, onion and green peas.
Yup. I cooked and someone approved that it taste OK. Which means that it's edible. Hahaha! Lmao. 

Start from the day. Woke up at 7am. Cooked oats. Eat them with banana. I purposely add more oats today. Don't wanna be hungry at 10pm again. 

First class is dissection class. Taught about Superior mesenteric artery and inferior mesenteric artery. Guess what. I am hungry at 8.45am. Why is that so? I thought I ate more oats this morning. I don't know what is going on. @_@ 
Instead of day dreaming or feeling sleepy in the dissection hall. I felt hungry instead! I am waiting for the bell to ring so that I can rush to aka shop and grab some sandwich. 

After dissection class, it's Physiology lecture class. I don't know who came in. Who came in? Oh... It's the reproduction Sir. Mr Barathi. He taught about something. But I don't know about what. Oh... Turner's Syndrome, Klienfelter's Syndrome and stuff. That's all. 

Next! Histology lecture. Before the lecturer come in. I slept and I dream. @_@ Typical me. ;)
Now, the lecturer is here. She taught us about... hmm... about... ... ... ... ... ... I'm still trying to recall what she taught about. Oh, here it is. Large intestine and appendix. Done. 

Lunch = cook in my room. Brown rice with potato and carrot. 

After lunch, 2 Biochemistry lecture. I hate Biochemistry lecture the most. I hate it to the max!!! =.=
First class, by Sheetal. She taught something about Insulin receptor and Thyroid metabolism. I don't get it. What's that??!! Man, I hate Biochemistry. 
Second class, by Mdm Chandreka. Regulation of Glycogen metabolism in the Skeletal muscle. And Glycogen storage disorders? Biochemistry is killing me!!! Literally!!! I don't get a single thing! T_T

After class, went to buy more ingredients to cook. There's where I got those green peas! 
Went back, start cooking, went to L's room, then J's room. Then got back to my room just in time to rescue my dinner from getting burn. 

Bathe, eat, online, study, online, study, Skype, Facebook chat, study, online, blog. 
That's it. I hate Biochemistry. =)

The food that I've cooked. Look at the pictures if you dare...

I've promised that I will upload the pictures of the food that I cooked one shot.
Today is the day!

Have a look if you can take it.
Warning: For those who can't take disgusting image, skip reading this post. 

1st fried cabbage!!! =D
Looks good. But it's not fully cooked.
Conclusion: Rice cooker heat is not hot enough to fry cabbage.

This is porridge with egg and Maggi soup seasoning.

Typical lunch.
Rice with potato and carrot.

Fry okra together with onion.
Not bad!

Lunch before Flashmob performance.
Still Skyping with Leader S and Blur S.
Maggi atta noodle... @_@

Rice with potato, long bean, tomato, and diced carrot.

Fry egg and long bean!
Not nice. The long bean is not crispy. =/

Taadaa! 1st time cooking mee suah.
With peanut, carrot, potato and tomato.

The rest of it. Using a big bowl!!! =P

Now this is disgusting. Brown rice with okra, onion and potato.
I added an egg at the end.
This is a total failure.

Mee suah again! This time, just with potato, carrot and tomato.

Looked good. But it's a total failure.
It taste like grass.
Luckily mee suah is there to save the day. 

Conclusion: Not going to buy any green vegetables. They taste bitter. =/

Hungry at night. Craving for food.
Therefore, peanuts!!! xD

Major success!!! Brown rice with potato, carrot, onion and green peas. =D

That's all the "food" pictures that I have. These are the dishes that I cooked in this two weeks time. 
Of course, it's not the picture of my every meal. Sometimes, I forgot to snap pictures and start eating. 
I am always hungry. @_@
That's a fact. 

Hope my rice cooker cooking skill can improve more so that I have more interesting pictures to show you people! ^^

"Word" of the Day


Meaning: Sparkling or skillful.
Remember Miss Sheetal praised that our performance? She broke down the word fantastic.
From her slide, S is for Scintillating.

animated; vivacious; effervescent: a scintillating personality.
witty; brilliantly clever: a scintillating conversationalist; a playfull of scintillating dialogue.

Monday 19 March 2012

"Word" of the Day


lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender.

I'm sorry for my grammar knowledge. But this is a new word for me.


Day 52

It's Monday!!!
Monday's timetable is not as pack. So I'm kinda happy this morning.
Cooked oats, listened to online radio, went to class 5 minutes earlier.
Everything went so well.

First class is Mr Raju's class. I've been counting how many time I yawned. 4 times to be frank. =)
He taught us about (taking out the notes) actions of cortisol today. Cortisol is such an important hormone. It affect almost every part of the body. Well, for me, it's every part because it's a lot! I haven't revise the notes though. I'm busy dealing with Anatomy.

Second class is Renal Physiology by Mdm Surekha. She spend 30 minutes asking people about the previous class while my dearest desk mate just put her head on the table and slept for 30 minutes!!!
Mdm taught us about regulation of Glomerular filtration rate. Just a little bit. I finished reading her notes. But I haven't touch Ganong yet. I'm kinda worried about Physiology since I failed my Block 2 Physio paper. =/ *deep breath* I hope everything will turn out to be fine. =')

Third class is Dissection class. New table lecturer. She's... erm, she taught very slowly, making sure everyone get them. And some of her "facts" are false statement. I just came to notice after I read Chaurasia. Mdm, why are you so evil? You look so kind in front of us. =O

Lunch time!!! Went to Chef Inn, bought more vege, and went to organic shop and get Whole Wheat Bread for J. For your information, it's 10.15pm now and I'm hungry. My last meal was at 6pm.

Back to class. Anatomy lecture by Mr Narendra. J's new crush. =.= "so-called"
He's a good lecturer minus the lame jokes part.
He just want to make us think. That's it. =)

Next class! Last class for the day, PPD.
Sir came in and ask 5 people to form a group, discuss a group name, and let the whole class guess what is the group name by acting them out without making a sound. =)
Erm, it was OK. Just to kill time. Haha!
1. Top Indian Supermodel
2. Pisang goreng lompat??
3. The hangover doctor
4. Tiga bola katak (most ridiculous among all!)

After that, he ask those that went out to act and share their "feelings". They said something though. LOL.
Next PPD class will be about teamwork. Yaiks!
Looking forward? o_o

After class!!!
Walk back to hostel so so excitedly because I'm going to cook soup with mee suah (again) today.
I bought cauliflower!!! And onion. And some weird vege.
I chopped all the ingredients (carrot, potato, onion, cauliflower) and chuck them in. Add a little sunflower oil, water and I leave the rice cooker on.
Went to send laundry. I need my towel!!!
Back to my room, everything seems fine. Add tomatoes, wash the weird vege (I don't know what it's called). Chuck tomatoes in. Chuck vege in. Chuck mee suah.
Observe. Hahahaha!
Add pepper and salt. Add in more salt.
Off the rice cooker and let the mee suah soak up all the soup. @_@
I know I'm weird. I admit. >,<

Went to bathe, washed clothes, came out, on lappy, eat my "dinner" at 6pm. Watch an episode of Conan.
After that, I don't really remember in details what I did. I played Tetris battle, I Skyped with my mom. Then my sister came. Then kau gong called me on Skype, I talk to him and Kam Po. Continue Skyping with mom. Talk with dad for some time. Then I copy Question of the day when  I'm Skyping with my mom. Try to do something during Skyping. But nothing went in. It's not happening. xD

I miss my sister though. She told me "stories". About angry bird. @_@
Kids these days.
After Skyping, Tetris battled. And I off my lappy and read something. I read Chaurasia la. Aiyo. =.=
After that, it's time to wake L up. Too bad her phone dead.
So I went to her room and wake her up instead. It's so embarrassing to knock on people's door like nobody's business. >,<
I'm afraid that her neighbor ask me to stop knocking.
Very very gratefully, L opened her door. I can't believe she actually woke up! Wow! Bravo!!! =D

Now, my duty is done, I went back to my room and here I am. Blogging. After this daily post, I'm gonna play Tetris Battle. =D
Can't wait. LOL!
Alright. I'm gonna end this post here, so that I can go play, and start studying the next chapter after I'm done. It's 10.30pm now.
I'm gonna go to bed around 12am.
"Back to class" routine.

Dirty girl

Dirty girl = me
If you unfriend me on Facebook just because I'm a dirty girl, go ahead. =/

I don't bathe in the morning. I blame the icy cold water.
Other than that, I don't know where else about me is dirty.
My mom didn't teach me how to bathe properly. So until now, after so many years, I still don't know the proper way to bathe. I blame my mom.
I can't deny this fact, but I am very lazy.

When I was young, I didn't brush my teeth daily.
Even until I was in college, I still didn't brush my teeth daily.
But now, after I came to India, I force myself to be discipline and I DID brush my teeth twice a day.
The activator is having braces on. I'm afraid that anything bad can happen to my teeth. That's why I brush my teeth twice a day. That's the truth.

Other than that, I don't bite my nails anymore. Not after I'm in high school.
Am I still as dirty as I was before?

Leave a comment, let me know more about personal hygiene.
I literally need to go Google and search about how to bathe the right way. =O
I don't want to be dirty.
I am changing.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Day 51

Woke up at 10.30am this morning.
Cooked mee suah again. =.=
I have nothing else to eat huh? Yes, I am so boring and healthy that I don't have any canned food in my room. No instant noodles, just potatoes, tomatoes, long beans, garlic, and carrot. Let's not forget brown rice and rice noodles.

Yup, I cooked the mee suah with egg, salt and pepper. =/
Doesn't taste that good but that will do.

Read Renal physiology in the morning. Renin and angiotensin. ;)
After reading, I got so bored and I reach my hand to a music instrument that I bought from Mysore.
Since I listened to Safe and Sound from Taylor Swift again and again last night, I try to play that song on my so-called violin.
And I did play the chorus! =D

I went to L's room to play for her since she's a huge Taylor Swift fan.
She's fixing her clothes rack this morning. I heard it all from my room. All the noise.
After playing, I help her fix the rack.
She's cooking Curry santan chicken and J is going to order Crab from Chef Inn.
It's their lunch plan. And I just tag along. Accidentally bumped into them with a "violin".
Haha! xD

It was such a nice lunch. Like a picnic! xD
Thanks L and J!!!
I should pay. Tomorrow la! Hehe.

Back to my room, drew Histo from 3pm to 4.20pm.I was watching the time.
I think I read Chaurasia. I forgot. Maybe caecum. @_@
But I certainly know that I chat with NBJ. Trollolol!

Went to send laundry but sadly laundry shop is not open. T_T
So Lily and I need to carry the heavy laundries back to our room again.
So heavy! On the way back, we discussed about dinner.
I'm craving for Chicken Sweet and Sour from Prax.
So we did order from Prax. xD

Asked cleaner to come to clean my room...
They are late. So I bathe first. Then I came to notice that both my towels are in the laundry bag. =(
I dry myself using a face towel. That's the closest thing I can get. @_@
Cleaner came, clean my room. Waited for dinner to arrive.

Skyped with M (best friend). =D
Food reached. Eat in L's room again. xD Such a great gathering place.
Chit chat. After dinner, I fell in love with Brownie. L's teddy bear.
It sure did remind me of all my dolls in my room. From Pinky to Orangy, to Hello Kittys, to my favorite baby panda. Oh, my dolls. I forgot about them. It's been years. 13 years? =O

Stayed in L's room until 9.30pm. She need a nap for 15 minutes. I spend the 15 minutes reading Appendix and Coeliac trunk. Went back to my room, went online.
Played Tetris battle. Studied Spermatic cord. And now, blog.
Going to play Tetris battle later.
After that, I'm gonna quit reading textbooks, and proceed to reading novel. =)

Alright. That's the story of my day. xD
Thanks for reading!

No view this afternoon

I open my blog page at 5pm today.
The first thing I did is check the stats.
No readers or viewers today.
One whole morning!
So sad.
Luckily I have 3 views for today.
Thanks for reading!
Please keep reading because you all are the one that keep me blogging.


Saturday 17 March 2012

Day 50

Happy Day 50!!!
Such an achievement for me. =D

So, today is happy Saturday. I am so lazy this morning, kinda forgot that I have class on Saturday. =X
Woke up at 7.35am. Didn't even bother to tie my hair, didn't even bother to wear contacts, didn't even cook my own breakfast. After getting dress, straight away went to aka shop and grab Chocolate milk and 2 plain Bombay toast (French toast).

First class, Mr Raju. =.= Every morning, he just need to add he's photographs in the first slide. He just NEED to. I know he can't help but to show he's photography skills. Taught about Growth Hormones. And I don't even bother to take out my notes now to tell you people what he taught about today. I'm just gonna read the handout. That's all. That is exactly what happen when lecturer's give us notes. Especially power point. We will just read it last minute.

Anatomy lecture by some lady lecturer. She took attendance at first, and she took away one of our batchmate's hand phone. =O She wanna scare us. Not happening. This will only make everyone hate her more. For example my desk mate. xD
Anyways, she taught us about stomach. Kinda good though, she explained everything. So if you copy her notes, it will be very very very useful.

Next and last class for the day. Biochemistry by Madam Chandrika. Glycogen metabolism that is. Today, regulation of Glycogen metabolism. Allosteric regulation and covalent modification. Active form for Glycogen Synthase and Glycogen Phosphorylase. Glycogenesis and Glycogenolysis. I like her so so much. ^^
Such a good lecturer. She really make us understand. (PP-1) Protein phosphatase - 1 I guess. If I am right, that proves that she's really good. It is activated by insulin.

After class, straight to UAE exchange. J asked about the travel package to and fro from Manipal to Kuala Lumpur and the way back. I asked about train and price range. After that, we went to Snack Shack. A whole JPA gang are there. Kinda shocked to see so many of our batch mates. C joined us for lunch today. She's in a good mood today. She sang in class. She sang during the lecture which annoys me. I didn't get mad, because this is rare. I wonder why is she so happy today. @_@

We (me, J and L) ordered 3 potato lovers, C ordered Russian Salad. I'm too lazy to transfer the pictures to my laptop. Next time maybe. Sorry about that. I will upload all the food's pictures one shot.

After lunch, took auto back. I read something. Oh yea. Haha! Now I remember, I read upper limb's introduction. -.-
I went to bed at 3pm and I wake up at 5pm. After snoozing and stuff.

Woke up at 5pm and started cooking. I just love to cook. =/ Although I suck in it.
Bathe, did laundry.
Continue reading. I read Gray's. Since I have the time. But it's a lot and after reading, I didn't really gain much. More of general knowledge. Things that won't be ask in exam. But that's the fun of reading it. I hate reading Chaurasia. But in this Block, I think I'm gonna need Chaurasia to do all the work. All the reading and answering questions in exam work.

Cook barley half way. It taste so weird. The barley have the grain smell. I don't know. But it taste different from the one I use to drink. o_o

Later at night, I cooked mee suah again. I put in diced potato and tomato, boiled them for 10 minutes, then put in pepper and salt, throw the mee suah in. I like soft food. So I purpose over cook them. Let them soak all the water! I left them to boil for 5 minutes more. Maybe it took 20 minutes.

Went online and start eating. From barley + studying, to Mee suah + onlining, to Left over barley + onlining.
I finished watching WFW, Homes are where Hans are? By Wong Fu production. And later, I'm gonna watch some other thing. Sad news is, Mr Raju polluted MY Facebook by posting all those videos about Dwarfism. I've watched the Gigantism one already. Now, Dwarfism? The think that I hate is my batch mate posted another acro... something video as a respond. @_@ Obviously I haven't watch them. So turned off. =(

Alright, I'm gonna stop here, going to watch more Youtube videos, and... then the Facebook videos that Mr Raju posted. =.=
Good night!
Have a nice day. Keep praying, keep smiling. =)