Wednesday 14 March 2012

Day 47

Due to the Orientation for Batch 30 juniors, we only have one hour class today. That is... Histo practical!!!
I bathe this morning, because I'm too tired to do so after the practice and stuff. @_@
Just by thinking of that, I felt tired again.

J didn't attend Histo class today. She over slept. The thing is, she forgot that my book is with her because her book is with P. @_@ Complicated much. But very very thankfully we don't need to pass up the book by today. Muahahahhaahhaha! Damn DAMN happy and lucky! xD

After that, went back to my room and take recycling bag and my purse. I left it in my room because it's just an hour class. =D
Went to Manipal store to buy groceries. I bought brown rice (full of Thiamine), kacang dal, barli. That's all. I ran out of rice. I finished up all the rice to cook porridge for L and J. =.= And ended up throwing them away. =( super sad. =/

After grocery shopping, I went to L's room and go through the dancing steps with her. After practicing for 3 times, it's time for us to get ready to the actual venue. Went back to room, bathe, cooked okra. And go online. Skyped with Leader S and Blur S, then I'm still hungry after eating those okras. I cooked a packet of Maggi. India's Maggi. >< It's nice though. Added an egg. Continue Skyping and then start preparing.

Sprayed my whole body with the "Magic scent" to boost confident. Well, not the whole body, but I do spray my hair... Cos I'm afraid that I smells after performing. =/
Went there, found seats, then soon enough, it's time to perform. Everyone rocks! Flash mob is so fun! You can do anything you want because it is all random and crazy. LOL!
I have the maximum fun. I can definitely say that. After performing, it's Dean's turn to give he's speech. And as usual, he ended it after one and a half minutes! Yesh!!! He know us so SO well. ;)

Tonnes of awesome performance just made the day. Wow!!! !!! I've been shouting, screaming, cheering, clapping, singing along. Everything. Wow. It's awesome!!! Batch 29 rocks!!!
I think the amount of people on stage during flash mob shocked the lecturers. And that is EXACTLY why they demand more. Muahahahahaha!!! xD

Everything went well. I love dikir barat. Awesome!!! And the JPA batchmate's performance. Awesome too!!! I'm just so so happy because almost all of our batchmate participate in all the performance. Damn proud of US! Woohoo!!! Those that is not in the performance most probably helped in the help desk. Which is awesome too!

The orientation is just... just... AWEEESOOOME! Great team work. Best! OK, enough of praising my own batch. Time for some complaint. ;)
After the orientation, unfortunately Malaysian need to stay back. Apparently, there's someone that wanted to meet us. =.=
It's 4.10pm by that time, the "meeting" is at 5pm. So we stayed back. I love money OK? Do you know it cost us 20rps to go to the hotel? The venue I meant. @_@ I can buy lot's of vegesss using that amount of money. $_$

So we stayed back. And let me tell you, we stayed back for nothing. Taadaa!
Story ended. And I came back with a very very tired soul.
And I cooked.
Then I bathe.
Then I Skyped with my mom. Which totally wasted my time because she talking nothing. I'm copying Qod by that time. Seriously mummy? All the relationship talk? I'm not interested at all. Bluek!

And just to inform you all, my dinner was quite OK, not as bad as I expected. Maybe I added more salt this time. And I like the brown rice! It's chewy!
After this post, I'm going to have a "power nap". If it IS really a power nap.
I have PBL to study. So I'll rest first. Because right now, I'm so worn out and I can't think.
I'm just gonna rest first. Before I gone crazy. It's 8.15pm now. I'm going to rest and wake up at 8.45pm. And end up waking up at 9pm. Bye~~!

I hate studying PBL.

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