Friday 23 March 2012

Day 56

It's Friday... Friday... Again. Another Friday. The third Friday since Block 3 starts.

Wake up at 6.45am this morning. Bathe. I BATHE! Because I didn't bathe yesterday night. =.=
So expected.
Oats for breakfast. But since I am 10 minutes late, I can't finish my oats. And I forgot to put on contact lens. @_@
Such a blur morning.

First Biochem class is replaced by Physiology class. So, Mr Raju is here. =.= To ruined my beautiful morning.
Since I didn't wear contact lens, everything is blur and I can't observe.
I didn't yawn because I can hardly see.
Just trying to read his handouts to stay awake. =)

Anatomy class by HOD, Sathish Nayak. He taught about pancreas? Yea, he taught about pancreas.
He drew a few diagrams and explained. Such a good lecturer. =) *sob sob*

It's study break!!! !!! !!!
I went back to my room and slept for 2 hours.
I'm so unwilling to wake up. =(
But it's dissection class later. And I even dream that I missed my dissection class. LOL!!!
Walk to class very unhappily and unwillingly, and get into the dissection hall.
Before leaving my room, I remembered to put on my contact lenses to protect my eyes from the formalin. @_@

Dissection class is such a bore. But yet, it's so important. They (my table mate...) make me go look at the structure which is good! Because now, it's easier for me to identify. ;) Thanks table mates... LOL!

After dissection class, I went to buy vege with R and L.
Bought radish today~~~

Went back to my room and cooked.
Go online, Skyped with mom, copied Question of the Day, eat, continue Skyping, bathe, do Miss Sheetal's crossword puzzle with C. Loving the crossword puzzle! It's so scientific!!! LOL
Then I went to J's room to watch the Hindi movie and now, I'm still in her room. @_@
I'm gonna force her to watch more Wong Fu Production's videos.
She laugh at the "hugger" video like OMG... The moment when Phil hugged the shy guy. Lmao.

J is answering the crossword now. And when she finishes it, her expression is epic! Muahahahahaha!
And she is making me revising now. T_T Which is good for me again. @_@
Sad pathetic medic student life. Ble.
Gonna end here.

Thanks for reading! ^^

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