Saturday 10 March 2012

Day 43

A beautiful Saturday morning that I decided to bathe in the morning since my friends repel me and tease me for not bathing in the morning. The plumber came yesterday. So I think that the water will not be icy cold as Friday again. So I open the shower, the water is still icy cold. =.=
But I ended up bathing because I feel a little, just a little heat from the water. But it's still cold. I shivered the whole way after the bathe. Didn't cook oats today. I forgot to take water yesterday. Not forgot actually, is I'm too tired to take water at 12.30am. The fact is I don't have enough water to cook oats, second, the rice cooker are still dirty (I cooked porridge yesterday night), third, it's already 7.15am. No point cooking, it took me years to finish a small bowl of oats. I won't make it. =/ So I decided to get my breakfast from aka shop~

Met SP there, went to class with her.
First class, Physiology by Mr Raju. =.= Damn boring.
Second class, Anatomy by Mr Naveen! Although he's funny, but still, a bit sleepy.
After he's class, it's the 10am to 10.30am break.
I slept like a dead person. I even had several dreams!
10.30am is Chandrika's class. Biochemistry. She taught us about Glycogen metabolism.
glucogenin! Alpha-D glucose... ... Glucose synthase, branching protein aka amylo alpha 1-4 bond to alpha 1-6 bond trans something something (the above description is not correct at all, because it's from my brain. please refers to your own notes. thank you.)

After her class, Dr Mohandas and Miss Anita came in to talk about Futsal? Something... they announced about Utsav. I think it's called Utsav. Ask us to participate wor... Our batch so talented, sure got people participate one... *crossed fingers*

Class ended! Woo hoo~~
Lunch at Asia delight.
Then came back. No mood the whole day. So tired and stuff. Stuffs.
I just finished drawing Histo. I cried.
Ehem, erm, after this, I need to go to see the dentist supposedly. Too bad it's some festival for the college that he is teaching. So he can't make it.
Oh well, I still need to go out today. Because I need to collect my Saree, remember the one that I showed you all? Yea... It's time to collect it back. And to take a book that I bought from online store too.
Then I'll go to Udupi to hunt for something special.

After that, I think it will be 5pm by that time.
Practice will be at 6.30pm, it will most probably carry on until 10pm just like last night.
After that, I will be dead tired and still need to bathe because of all that sweat.
Still have PBL to prepare, it's next Thursday morning. After that, still need to study.
I seriously doubt that study plan. I'll just read the notes that my group member made for PBL first.
Then I'll see how after studying that. Dead tired.
Even now, I'm tired.
I can feel my gastrocnemius and soleus aching.
Plus, it's time to revise block 1 and 2... T_T
Oh no... Who say's I can handle Block 3? Wait I think I'm pretty confident a few days before.
Huh! We are now Seniors, we should set up a good example.
Seniors won't stay negative and look like a zombie just because they have lots to revise, PBL ahead, performance to made, and don't have enough time to study. We are strong!!!
We survived Block 1 and 2. Muahaha! Winner!

OK, I just want to cheer myself up here. I've became a zombie. My soul is no longer in my body. My heart is far away. I can't concentrate during Dissection class. I can't sit down alone without feeling guilty. I can't read. Nothing is going in. Because this is all my fault. I wrote the wrong thing at the wrong time. I did the wrong thing at the wrong time. I assume everything will be fine but right now it's not fine yet. I'm the one to be blame off. I'm the one that ruin everything. I'm such a failure. I bring nothing but trouble. My special ability is to make thing worst. I still can't master stress handling. I don't know anything about the outside world. I'm a loser. I down and I affect all my other friends. I can't hide my sorrow. I can't hide my worries. I can't hide anything. I need to wear a mask.

I need to go now. Or else I have not enough time to make it to the practice later. I don't like being late. Bye...

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