Wednesday 7 March 2012

Day 40 part 3

Oh My God.
The bday celebration was horrible. Disaster. For us. Not for SP.
I think she had a great time, if I can even see her!
We went there at 6.20pm. It suppose to be 6pm. So we are late.
Who knows no one is there.
Best part is the restaurant is closed.

Contacted our friends. OK, we'll wait.
Attill will be open at 7pm.
J and I spend time talking about a movie while waiting.
And J finished telling me about the whole movie. Wow!

Entered, find place to sit. There's about 20 people coming.
Lsl and "dad" arrived. Tuned the guitar.
Wait for other people to come.
Meanwhile, text L to come.

We are so so bored.
Some gang came. Around 6 of them.
Another gang came. With cake.
Bday girl came. Sang song.

Ordered food.
By that time, from asking L to come.
We are so bored and we ask L NOT to come instead.
Yup, that's it.

Oh, and the food that I ordered is not nice at all. =/
People talking from Games, to Currency, to Politics.
We have no choice but listen.
M (that guy) kept on wanting to take my picture. @_@
The whole "dinner" is not fun at all.

And we came back. =.=
That's all.
OMG, seriously, it's worst than Lsl's bday in China Valley.
This is dead boring.
It's like we can't wait to leave.
We constantly checking whether they finish eating or not.

Here's the pictures. I don't want to kill you all by all this complaining.

Waiting outside for them to open.

Too bored that I took this picture.

Guitar. Haven't seen one in a long time.

J's dinner.
She had no appetite. 
My left over dinner. A lot isn't it?
Please don't order Singapore Fried Noodle after this. 
OK, this is my Day 40 part 3. =/
Just for you SP!
We love you!

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