Friday 16 March 2012

Shit happens

Just when your life is not so hectic because it's a Friday, shit happens.

Someone, some how will just want to say something mean to you and see you fall.
This happened to C. My poor poor friend.

I don't understand why there are weird people around that have talking bad about people as their hobby. This is so wrong. Going round and say bad things about people? Don't they have other things to do? Life less.
Dear Auntie that like to gossip around when you are doing grocery shopping, please talk something useful instead of talking bad about people. You will never know what is the reason behind. You will never know what shit we are bearing. You will never know how hard we try to survive every day not to commit suicide. Especially for those that are studying MBBS.

Don't talk bad about people. Remember karma. What goes around COMES around. Never ever do bad things. Don't you know that? Please consider other people's feeling when you are doing something that might influence her. Grow up. Aunties, I know that you are much more older than us and have more experience in life. But saying bad things to push people down so that you look "noble" is not the way. We, the younger generation know that. We have Moral lesson, we have good value in us. We know how to respect. Do you? All you know is to talk bad about people and make you "look" better. NOT! Dear Aunties with all of these wrong perspectives, please DO change.

There's enough shit happening to a medical students. We don't need more. Now, thanks to you, you created a negative qi in me. And I'm here to blog. But to end my blog perfectly, I want all my readers to forgive the people that talk bad about you or us. This might be our karma. This might be the chance for us to grow stronger. This might be a turning point for us to be more matured.

So, turn the negative energy into something positive. Thanks to this happening to my friend C, I'm here to blog and you guys can read one more post! Yay!
Remember, stay positive and forgive the people that hurt us. Thank them instead for making us stronger.
What goes around, comes around. May all of us threat people around us with a sincere heart and let this happy, positive qi flow all around us.


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