Saturday 10 March 2012

Day 43 - night

I'm back from practicing! Thanks for everyone's effort and everyone's determination to study PBL, our choreographer let us go early! Woohoo~~!! =D

Skyped with mom just now. Bumped into her by seeing her on Skype. She taught me how to cook. =.=
So my dinner tonight is rice + carrot + POTATO + onion + cabbage + tomato. Super healthy right? I should put oil. When I'm on my way back from taking water, I just remembered that Vit A,D,E,K are fat soluble. So all these days, all the oil free cooking... *cry* What a waste.

OK, luckily I have left over for my supper. Gonna put a little sunflower oil into it then.
Now if you excuse me, I have PBL to prepare. >< *faint*
Bye!!! (with a not very excited tone) =.=

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