Thursday 15 March 2012

Day 48

PBL morning. Guess what. I slept early yesterday. I slept at 10.30pm and I woke up at 4.45am to study PBL this morning. =/
After an hour, I'm too tired and so I slept and wake up again at 7am.
My breakfast was my left over dinner. It's was awesome. o_0
Not disgusting. =]

Rush to PBL presentation. Sprayed "Magic scent" of course. ;)
My topic was nerve supply and lymphatics drainage of the liver. Such a small topic, but I shivered, I wrongly said upper and lower instead of superficial and deep for lymphatic drainage. Luckily I figured it out half way. @_@
Every thing was fine. I just shivered like heaven out front. *as usual*
Very lucky to have a very kind and friendly lecturer. =D
Other group get Venu!!! =O

After that, went to food court and get Fried rice noodles from Asian K.
Ate from 9am to 10am.
Went to class because food court start to be more and more crowded.

First class. Physiology. Surekha. Renal physiology. Taught about (taking out my notes) Glomerular filtration rate. With those COP and hydrostatic pressure in Glomerular capillaries. I haven't revise this topic since after the second class. ='(

Second class. Anatomy lecture by stranger lecturer. He looked like the hamburger thief from Mc Donald. =P He taught about Peritoneal fold today. It was kinda lame, batch mates can't stand him. But we survived he's lecturer.

Lunch. Went to aka shop and grabbed egg mayo sandwich and watermelon. =)
The first watermelon I had since 6 months. =O
So so shocking for me to even life without watermelon.

Class after lunch is by Sheetal. Such a sweet lecturer that actually made a slide of power point to express her appreciation about our performance yesterday (Orientation for Batch 30). =') F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C Hehe! Thanks miss! She taught us about second messenger system. After Cholera and Pertussis toxin that she taught in the last class. She taught us (peeking through notes) Nitric Oxide, nitric oxide synthase today. That's all!

Class ended! As it was time for the 2nd group to do their PBL presentation. As for me, the 1st group. Class DISMISS!!! xD
Went back to room, Skyped with Shanese, my sister, and received a super, duper, important message by L. Rushed to her room, saw the gifts that she received. Ate her cake. =/ And went back to room, continue recopying dissection notes, cook, bathe, eat, online, tweet.

Accompany J to food court to get her dinner. Food court was so crowded. Someone from KMC passed away today. He fell out from the bus. And died due to damage of the internal organ. ='( May he Rest in Peace. There's a riot for "him". They want the college to repay he's parents 50 lakhs rupees, improve the college's facilities and resignation of the director as he don't want to take responsibility for this incident. =O

In the food court, M is there. =.= J, this is all your fault. He talk. I ask him to go. He practically told every single people about us. WTH. Such a jerk. He's the one that ask me to tell no one. And he's the one to tell almost everyone in our Batch. Jerk. J came back and talk with me. And best mess friend came.

When he saw that I'm in the same table as M, he got shock! Hahaha! And I saw that. We laughed and laughed. LOL! Caught red handed! @_@ Thank God that he's here. At least now, M will step aside. Screw him. I hate M so much.

Went back to hostel, continue to copy dissection notes, and copy and copy. Until now. After I'm done with it, I'm so sleepy and now, I'm blogging. After blogging, I'm gonna sleep. And if possible, I'll wake up early tomorrow. Need to read page 151 in Lippincotts. There's answer for the "blanks" in that page. Best mess friend told me, he took out Lippincott in the food court. =.=

OK, that's all for today! Good night! =)
Pitiful medical student's life.
Leave a comment to tell me how sad your life are. So that I can feel better. o_o

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