Monday 19 March 2012

Day 52

It's Monday!!!
Monday's timetable is not as pack. So I'm kinda happy this morning.
Cooked oats, listened to online radio, went to class 5 minutes earlier.
Everything went so well.

First class is Mr Raju's class. I've been counting how many time I yawned. 4 times to be frank. =)
He taught us about (taking out the notes) actions of cortisol today. Cortisol is such an important hormone. It affect almost every part of the body. Well, for me, it's every part because it's a lot! I haven't revise the notes though. I'm busy dealing with Anatomy.

Second class is Renal Physiology by Mdm Surekha. She spend 30 minutes asking people about the previous class while my dearest desk mate just put her head on the table and slept for 30 minutes!!!
Mdm taught us about regulation of Glomerular filtration rate. Just a little bit. I finished reading her notes. But I haven't touch Ganong yet. I'm kinda worried about Physiology since I failed my Block 2 Physio paper. =/ *deep breath* I hope everything will turn out to be fine. =')

Third class is Dissection class. New table lecturer. She's... erm, she taught very slowly, making sure everyone get them. And some of her "facts" are false statement. I just came to notice after I read Chaurasia. Mdm, why are you so evil? You look so kind in front of us. =O

Lunch time!!! Went to Chef Inn, bought more vege, and went to organic shop and get Whole Wheat Bread for J. For your information, it's 10.15pm now and I'm hungry. My last meal was at 6pm.

Back to class. Anatomy lecture by Mr Narendra. J's new crush. =.= "so-called"
He's a good lecturer minus the lame jokes part.
He just want to make us think. That's it. =)

Next class! Last class for the day, PPD.
Sir came in and ask 5 people to form a group, discuss a group name, and let the whole class guess what is the group name by acting them out without making a sound. =)
Erm, it was OK. Just to kill time. Haha!
1. Top Indian Supermodel
2. Pisang goreng lompat??
3. The hangover doctor
4. Tiga bola katak (most ridiculous among all!)

After that, he ask those that went out to act and share their "feelings". They said something though. LOL.
Next PPD class will be about teamwork. Yaiks!
Looking forward? o_o

After class!!!
Walk back to hostel so so excitedly because I'm going to cook soup with mee suah (again) today.
I bought cauliflower!!! And onion. And some weird vege.
I chopped all the ingredients (carrot, potato, onion, cauliflower) and chuck them in. Add a little sunflower oil, water and I leave the rice cooker on.
Went to send laundry. I need my towel!!!
Back to my room, everything seems fine. Add tomatoes, wash the weird vege (I don't know what it's called). Chuck tomatoes in. Chuck vege in. Chuck mee suah.
Observe. Hahahaha!
Add pepper and salt. Add in more salt.
Off the rice cooker and let the mee suah soak up all the soup. @_@
I know I'm weird. I admit. >,<

Went to bathe, washed clothes, came out, on lappy, eat my "dinner" at 6pm. Watch an episode of Conan.
After that, I don't really remember in details what I did. I played Tetris battle, I Skyped with my mom. Then my sister came. Then kau gong called me on Skype, I talk to him and Kam Po. Continue Skyping with mom. Talk with dad for some time. Then I copy Question of the day when  I'm Skyping with my mom. Try to do something during Skyping. But nothing went in. It's not happening. xD

I miss my sister though. She told me "stories". About angry bird. @_@
Kids these days.
After Skyping, Tetris battled. And I off my lappy and read something. I read Chaurasia la. Aiyo. =.=
After that, it's time to wake L up. Too bad her phone dead.
So I went to her room and wake her up instead. It's so embarrassing to knock on people's door like nobody's business. >,<
I'm afraid that her neighbor ask me to stop knocking.
Very very gratefully, L opened her door. I can't believe she actually woke up! Wow! Bravo!!! =D

Now, my duty is done, I went back to my room and here I am. Blogging. After this daily post, I'm gonna play Tetris Battle. =D
Can't wait. LOL!
Alright. I'm gonna end this post here, so that I can go play, and start studying the next chapter after I'm done. It's 10.30pm now.
I'm gonna go to bed around 12am.
"Back to class" routine.

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