Thursday 1 March 2012

No, I don't want to be famous

Being famous is tiring. Paparazzi every where. People will start noticing you where ever you go. You can't date because everyone will be looking and they will be judging your partner.

Some part of me want all the attention, but if I think deeply, I don't really want that much of attention. I'm listening to now. I should really start to train myself to study at night. Too bad I'm to attached to internet and my laptop. But at least I'm composing something. I kept myself thinking when I'm writing something. I don't want to crap and shoo all my readers away. So I'll try my best to post some meaningful thing on my blog.

Back to topic. I don't want to be famous. I don't want to be a star. I don't want to be a celebrity. Getting all those attention won't bring to anywhere. I don't want to shoot videos, I don't want to make movie, I don't want to be a singer and perform all over the world. So what for I need all the attention? Huh? I'm confused.

So, I'm saying good bye to my "I wanna be a star" dream. Because it's not practical. I have stage fright. I'm afraid of crowd. So I can't be a star anyway. Hmm... I don't want to be famous! I need privacy.


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