Friday 16 March 2012

Day 49

Woke up at 7.15am, ate oats with banana. Went online this morning. Check Facebook, Twitter. Online radio. I think that's why I'm almost late to class. Correction: I am not late, Miss Sheetal is 3 minutes early. Every second counts when it comes to punctuality. ;) If you know what I mean.

Miss Sheetal taught us about Protein Kinase C. Calcium channel. Calcium-calmodulin. Alpha Q. (lmao)
Then it's Anatomy lecture class by Sathist Nayak, HOD of Anatomy. Taught about vermiform appendix. The clock position, seriously? Now I need to give new direction. Splenic splenic!!! Subcaecal... subcaecal... This could be useful when Doctors are driving and trying to figure out where to turn in the round about. @_@

After learning Anatomy, you will probably develop Permanent Head Damage. The clock face is never as simple as a clock face. The skeleton that use to be so scary is not scary anymore. Scary movie will never be scary when we are busy wondering how they make the fake blood. =.=
See? Brainwash.

Study Break!!! Went to buy more potatoes with Lsl. Asked for L's induction cooker. Finally it's back. =D
Welcome back, induction cooker!
What's for my lunch? I forgot. But I cooked by my own. Erm, potatoes, long beans, I forgot. =/
Oh no...

To Anatomy dissection class! Before that, I did do Question of the Day. Such a good student.
When to dissection hall, suffering first 30 minutes. Everyone is looking at the specimen, or else, they will be reading Chaurasia, if not, they will be "socializing" with lecturers. =(
Lecturer starts teaching about Vermiform appendix. Iliocaecal junction, Mc Burney's point, lame jokes, femoral triangle, femoral sheath, femoral nerve, femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve, lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh. Lumbar plexus, obturator nerve...
Dissection class is pooof! A lot to cover. @_@

After dissection class, went to Western Union with L, Manipal store, and took auto back. I'm too tired to walk. Lazy bump. Tsk tsk...
I bought mee suah from Manipal store. It's like rice noodle or ramen. I don't know what is it called, but it is those noodle for sick people to eat. I like! It's actually nice LOL.

Reach room, play music, start chopping ingredients. ABC soup, with mee suah.
After eating 3 rounds, bathe, wash clothes, eat the 4th round.
Watch a Hong Kong movie. Then watch Paradise Kiss while recopying Dissection notes.
Ate papaya that I brought. I think I will have sore throat tomorrow. =O

After reading a little Chaurasia, I'm feeling very very sleepy.
So, need to blog first, then I'm heading to bed immediately. Collapse. KO.

Good night~!
Thanks for reading.
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