Saturday 17 March 2012

Day 50

Happy Day 50!!!
Such an achievement for me. =D

So, today is happy Saturday. I am so lazy this morning, kinda forgot that I have class on Saturday. =X
Woke up at 7.35am. Didn't even bother to tie my hair, didn't even bother to wear contacts, didn't even cook my own breakfast. After getting dress, straight away went to aka shop and grab Chocolate milk and 2 plain Bombay toast (French toast).

First class, Mr Raju. =.= Every morning, he just need to add he's photographs in the first slide. He just NEED to. I know he can't help but to show he's photography skills. Taught about Growth Hormones. And I don't even bother to take out my notes now to tell you people what he taught about today. I'm just gonna read the handout. That's all. That is exactly what happen when lecturer's give us notes. Especially power point. We will just read it last minute.

Anatomy lecture by some lady lecturer. She took attendance at first, and she took away one of our batchmate's hand phone. =O She wanna scare us. Not happening. This will only make everyone hate her more. For example my desk mate. xD
Anyways, she taught us about stomach. Kinda good though, she explained everything. So if you copy her notes, it will be very very very useful.

Next and last class for the day. Biochemistry by Madam Chandrika. Glycogen metabolism that is. Today, regulation of Glycogen metabolism. Allosteric regulation and covalent modification. Active form for Glycogen Synthase and Glycogen Phosphorylase. Glycogenesis and Glycogenolysis. I like her so so much. ^^
Such a good lecturer. She really make us understand. (PP-1) Protein phosphatase - 1 I guess. If I am right, that proves that she's really good. It is activated by insulin.

After class, straight to UAE exchange. J asked about the travel package to and fro from Manipal to Kuala Lumpur and the way back. I asked about train and price range. After that, we went to Snack Shack. A whole JPA gang are there. Kinda shocked to see so many of our batch mates. C joined us for lunch today. She's in a good mood today. She sang in class. She sang during the lecture which annoys me. I didn't get mad, because this is rare. I wonder why is she so happy today. @_@

We (me, J and L) ordered 3 potato lovers, C ordered Russian Salad. I'm too lazy to transfer the pictures to my laptop. Next time maybe. Sorry about that. I will upload all the food's pictures one shot.

After lunch, took auto back. I read something. Oh yea. Haha! Now I remember, I read upper limb's introduction. -.-
I went to bed at 3pm and I wake up at 5pm. After snoozing and stuff.

Woke up at 5pm and started cooking. I just love to cook. =/ Although I suck in it.
Bathe, did laundry.
Continue reading. I read Gray's. Since I have the time. But it's a lot and after reading, I didn't really gain much. More of general knowledge. Things that won't be ask in exam. But that's the fun of reading it. I hate reading Chaurasia. But in this Block, I think I'm gonna need Chaurasia to do all the work. All the reading and answering questions in exam work.

Cook barley half way. It taste so weird. The barley have the grain smell. I don't know. But it taste different from the one I use to drink. o_o

Later at night, I cooked mee suah again. I put in diced potato and tomato, boiled them for 10 minutes, then put in pepper and salt, throw the mee suah in. I like soft food. So I purpose over cook them. Let them soak all the water! I left them to boil for 5 minutes more. Maybe it took 20 minutes.

Went online and start eating. From barley + studying, to Mee suah + onlining, to Left over barley + onlining.
I finished watching WFW, Homes are where Hans are? By Wong Fu production. And later, I'm gonna watch some other thing. Sad news is, Mr Raju polluted MY Facebook by posting all those videos about Dwarfism. I've watched the Gigantism one already. Now, Dwarfism? The think that I hate is my batch mate posted another acro... something video as a respond. @_@ Obviously I haven't watch them. So turned off. =(

Alright, I'm gonna stop here, going to watch more Youtube videos, and... then the Facebook videos that Mr Raju posted. =.=
Good night!
Have a nice day. Keep praying, keep smiling. =)

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