Friday 9 March 2012

Day 42 - morning

It's Friday... Friday...
Don't feel like going to class this morning. =/
Because it's a holiday yesterday. Still feeling lazy.

I woke up at 6.45am. "Trying" to bathe. But there's no hot water. So I didn't bathe.
I ate oats, first class is Biochem by Sheetal. Protein Kinase A...
Anat lecture for next class. It's by our HOD, Satheesha Nayak. Rectus sheath.

Then study break! Thanks to the Malays... We have a break. Muahaha!!!
First Friday in Block 3. =)
Bought vege and cooked some a disgusting lunch ever!!! OMG. It's disgusting. *vomit*
Read some Anat notes, there's will be an Anatomy Q & A question during dissection class later. Since it will be the last class for all of us to be in the same table.

Skyped with Leader S!!!
and Blur S too!
Went to dissection hall, learned about peritoneal cavity, lesser sac, greater sac, greater omentum and lesser omentum, epiploic foramen... And stuff. It's tine for me to read Chaurasia. I forgot almost everything that I learned from Monday. I think Friday study break will be a revision for the whole week of Anatomy huh? o_o

Well, after class, straight back to my room!
Going to practice flashmob later. Lucky juniors, our batch facebook is full of notification just to organize YOUR orientation for YOU! *growling*

Although we are seniors, we still need to study Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry like you guys OK? Trollolol!

Gtg, I need to play games and clear my thoughts. Some blasting and bursting games? Explosion? Bejeweled. =.=
What about Big Hakuna Reef? Nope, too small...
Alright, I'll stick with Bejeweled first. Then sleep. Need to rest!!!

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