Saturday 31 March 2012

Day 63

After watching more than 3 hours drama, I'm having a minor headache now. Thale novu (Kannada language - headache)

The truth is I can't be a teacher. Because I can't accept the fact that my student don't get the concept. If the concept is easy, I can't understand why they don't understand. It will only make me mad.
Ego much. I admit I'm ego. After NBJ brought out this point. After today, I can proudly admit that, I AM EGO!!! =0

Classes was OK today. But the "middle pain" was really killing me. I can't control my "lower" sphincter.
Stomach ache on and off in between lectures. @_@

Going to Mangalore tomorrow! Happy, excited, can't wait to shop! Woah~ The smell of branded stuff and shopping mall, the smell of new clothes, the smell of civilized world. Told you I am smell orientated. ;)

Gonna have a great day tomorrow. I'm gonna check out Hunger Games review. Not what I will normally do, but it's better to read it up so that I can enjoy it more! =D

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