Thursday 1 March 2012

Saying Goodbye to Blogger?

Am I going to stop Blogging after my classes start? The answer is NO! I won't abandoned you all, I just reached 3 viewers per day from zero viewers per day. Of course I'll continue and make my Blog grow. OK, I know have 3 viewers per day is very very sad. But I'm OK with it. I started Blogging because I want to improve my English vocabulary. And now, I'm very happy that I have readers. So I won't stop Blogging after classes starts.

Someone chat with me today, saying that he's impressions about me is I'm a loner. What is a loner? Well, loner is those individual that stay away from crowd and stay away from activities. It's actually kinda describing me. ><
My old me. In secondary school, I'm a loner. Because I thought that the people in my class is so not cool and they are fooling around and they don't study. So I seldom hang out with them. Actually my mom don't allow me the permission to go out. Is this making me a loner now?

Well, I'm not a loner anymore. I blog when in my room. I blog to reflect what happened to me today. Maybe after classes start, I will share with you all what have I studied. Good for me to reflect and plan what to revise, and you people out there can also know what a medical student need to study and suffer. *shaking my head*
I go out with my friends OK? I love shopping and I like hanging out. If you really know me, I'm very talkative and some can even find me annoying. Which I'm proud about it. I enjoy being annoying in front of my friends. xD My very very close friends.

So, I'm just creating this post to inform you all I will continue doing Project 365 and I will continue blogging. Don't worry, my blog will be updated every day. So that no spiders are able to hang around. I'm gonna start another more meaningful post than this. Bye!

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