Sunday 25 March 2012

Day 57

I am lazy to blog! =O
But luckily I decide to continue blogging. It's been Day 57 already. Why stop now? Right?
So I continue watching the last two episode of On call 36 hours.
I start watching it to find out what's so special about it. Everyone is talking about it. Who knows, I can't stop watching it because of the love line. I can't wait for the hero and heroin to finally get together.
Crazy me.

PBL has been killing me always. Gonna present it next Wednesday.
I'm gonna discuss with someone else tomorrow.
I've read Ganong. Just reading briefly. But it's almost the same as what they teach in Biochemistry. =/
Which is good! I must use the free time in Block 3 wisely. Before everything is too late.
Alright, I'm gonna listen to music and read some other things now.
After today, my post will be short.
Instead of telling you all my same old boring routine, I will just mention the special things that happened on that day. =D
It's better for everyone. I can save time, and you all can save time too. Haha
Alright, really gtg.

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