Wednesday 21 March 2012

Day 54

Hey hey! Welcome to my blog. Guess I am in a good mood today.
I just finished bathing. It's 10.35pm India time.
Time to blog! =D

Woke up at 6.30am this morning! Started cooking. I put 5 tablespoon of oats this morning. After cooking, I realized that class will be starting on 9.15am. It okay, time to read upper limb. First Anatomy class test! Excited? Kinda, stress level zero. It's just class test. After all the Block exam, menstrual, PBL drama, class test is really a good opportunity for me to study. =) Think of it positively.

After having my oats with banana at 7am, I am hungry again at 8.30am. @_@
I remember I've added more oats just now. Why hungry again??!!
I don't understand...

Facebook chat with A, she's going to get her SPM result today. Woohoo! All the best A!
Went to aka shop with J at 9am.
Histo class at 9.15am.
It's so different. Everyone is reading Chaurasia while waiting for the class to start. I feel like I'm the little negative ion among all the positive ions. They are suppose to attract each other right? But we repelled. J and I. @_@

Entered the Histology lab, we stand at the corner. It's like we have no other place to stand but to stand at the corner so that no one will notice us. @_@
Histo class was plain boring. With Fluorence on my left and absentee SP on my left. Yana in front. All my dissection table mate. =/
I miss the old Histo buddies! ='(

After Histo is dissection. This is interesting, we are actually invading the Dissection hall to replace the Batch 30 juniors. Are there hot guys? 2!!! Do I like them? No.
Juniors are so curious about everything. They are so enthusiastic and they kept on bugging Miss Anita by Clavipectoral fascia. Which part did you not understand junior? Clavipectoral fascia lies under Pectoralis Major. That's all. And yes, it's a deep fascia. @_@
Wish you all the best when you are dealing with the nerves, arteries, origins and insertions. And the boss, ANASTOMOSES!!! Good luck. =]

After Dissection class, lunch break!!!
Went back to room and cooked. As usual, the three ingredients plus mee suah this afternoon. ^^

Physiology class~~~
Reproduction??!! =.=
So boring... Mr Barathi taught about... oh... the term is vast. Pseudohermaphroditism. *faint*
Don't faint yet.
He taught about Female and Male pseudohermaphroditism, Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS), Delayed or Absent puberty, Precocious puberty (true precocious puberty and precocious pseudopuberty). That's all. I don't know what is this. So yea... will read them next time. Not tonight. Tonight is Anatomy Block 1 day. Revising upper limb. =)

So basically medical student will be brainwash will all there vast term so that normal people can't understand a thing about what are they talking about. Evil...

After Physiology lecture class, it's PBL!!!
Physiology PBL. I didn't voice out anything during the discussion as I know nothing about Physiology. =.=
My confident level in Physiology is totally negative right now. I just know I need to read. =/
Sad case.

After PBL discussion, going to cook!
I cooked ABC soup.
Start cooking at 4pm. @_@
I know it's early, I'm hungry.
After many rounds of battle between angel and devil, I ate at 5.30pm.
Read General Anatomy, then slept.

Woke up at 7pm, receive the news that J is coming to my room to TASTE THE SOUP!
Super excited.
Heat up the soup and wait for her arrival. =D

She came, and she like the soup!!!
Yippy, woohoo!!!
Went down together and get her food from Chef inn, then I ate the 2nd round of my "dinner".
I eat a lot!!! I ate bun, french fries, stir fry vege, my remaining soup, and I licked all the mayo and tomato sauce. =X

Chit chat with J to make sure she's OK. Her paternal grandma passed away today. =(
So sad.
But she's strong. =)

She went back to her room, I studied about Arterial supply in upper limb, and went to bathe. After bath, I'm here, blogging. =)
I'm hungry again. I have biscuit. But that's for my after class test snack. I get hungry easily nowadays. I need food to prevent gastritis. o_o

I'm still thinking whether to eat something now. I think I'll eat half of the biscuits.
*sigh* I'm so gonna gain weight. What is wrong with me?

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