Tuesday 20 March 2012

The food that I've cooked. Look at the pictures if you dare...

I've promised that I will upload the pictures of the food that I cooked one shot.
Today is the day!

Have a look if you can take it.
Warning: For those who can't take disgusting image, skip reading this post. 

1st fried cabbage!!! =D
Looks good. But it's not fully cooked.
Conclusion: Rice cooker heat is not hot enough to fry cabbage.

This is porridge with egg and Maggi soup seasoning.

Typical lunch.
Rice with potato and carrot.

Fry okra together with onion.
Not bad!

Lunch before Flashmob performance.
Still Skyping with Leader S and Blur S.
Maggi atta noodle... @_@

Rice with potato, long bean, tomato, and diced carrot.

Fry egg and long bean!
Not nice. The long bean is not crispy. =/

Taadaa! 1st time cooking mee suah.
With peanut, carrot, potato and tomato.

The rest of it. Using a big bowl!!! =P

Now this is disgusting. Brown rice with okra, onion and potato.
I added an egg at the end.
This is a total failure.

Mee suah again! This time, just with potato, carrot and tomato.

Looked good. But it's a total failure.
It taste like grass.
Luckily mee suah is there to save the day. 

Conclusion: Not going to buy any green vegetables. They taste bitter. =/

Hungry at night. Craving for food.
Therefore, peanuts!!! xD

Major success!!! Brown rice with potato, carrot, onion and green peas. =D

That's all the "food" pictures that I have. These are the dishes that I cooked in this two weeks time. 
Of course, it's not the picture of my every meal. Sometimes, I forgot to snap pictures and start eating. 
I am always hungry. @_@
That's a fact. 

Hope my rice cooker cooking skill can improve more so that I have more interesting pictures to show you people! ^^

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