Thursday 1 March 2012

Favorite color

My favorite color is purple plum! Because Demi Lovato looks good in this color. What? What a good reason. =.=

It's true! Purple plum is my favorite color. Even my mom knew that. My mom never know my taste. But even she noticed that I like purple. So I guess it's obvious that I like purple. I remember that I've mention in my previous post that I like purple plum.

Besides purple plum, I actually like every other color. I like green, black, sky blue, and pink. Then I like turquoise and maroon. The left over colors, I like them too! Because every color looks nice. It's just I like some specific one more than other color. That's basically the definition of favorite huh?

It's getting late, I don't know what am I blogging about. Anyways I just wanted to tell you guys that purple plum is my favorite color. But although it's my favorite color, it doesn't mean that all my things are purple in color.

Nope... Not everything. ;)
Actually the things that I'm using for class is not purple in color. It's kinda like a mixture. So can I say I like rainbow color? I don't want to limit my choice of things just by it's color. So I will buy things that look good in that particular color. So if there's a pair of shoe that looks really good in Duck shit green, I'll still buy it. Despite it's color is not purple plum. 

Alright, it's 2.30am now. I'm yawning for the 8th time. I don't want to dislocate my TMJ (temporo-mandibular joint) So I'm heading to bed now. But I can't leave my Blog because of David Choi's song! Aww... I'll try to keep myself away. Maybe I'll post another post. What about a post about my sister? That will be cute, but I don't think so. I'm tired. If I'm tired, my brain can't function. Which means that I can't think. If I can't think, nothing is good. So I'm just gonna go to bed. Good night! Have a nice day. Hope you guys enjoyed reading. It's nothing much I knew that. But thanks for visiting my blog. =)

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