Thursday 1 March 2012

If I had control over time

In this post, I will replace "If I had control over time" using "~". Because in this post, I will be repeating the title quite sometime.

So, this is another question I will ask myself when I'm lifeless and bored.
If I had control over time.

~, I'll be going back to the time when I'm 6. Because that's the time that my parents make decision about which Primary school I should enter. They got me into a very good primary school like all the Asian parent's would. But the down side of it is, although I'm in a well known school, I'm in the last class because I registered late. So, the class teacher is the worst teacher in the whole school. And now, I'm blaming her because she's probably that killed my Mathematics interest and replace it with terror. =/

~, I'll pay attention in my art class and score well. So that I can be an artist not a doctor.

~, I'll read more books when I'm young so that mummy can buy more books for me. Now that she thinks that I don't like reading, she stop buying me books. =( Even when I wanted them, she won't buy it. D=

~, I'll use my holiday time to learn crafts.

~, I won't choose SMKAP as my secondary school. I'll ask my dad to choose another school for me. Maybe SABS. But if I didn't go to SMKAP, I won't get the chance to meet Eugene Mah. I won't get the chance to know Parween. So I'm still glad that I went to this school.

~, I will spend more time with my Grandpa. He's such an awesome man. =D

~, this may sound cliche, but I will be prepared for the Dentistry interview so that I can enter that course. So that I won't be stuck here, doing medicine and studying my ass off.

~, I will create a Blog account sooner. So that I can share more about my life time story.

~, I will not talk to that "guy" that make my secondary school life miserable. Where ever he is now, I'm glad that he can't find me. I'm glad that he lost track of me. Very glad.

~, I will dress up properly during my college time and get myself a boyfriend. Being single in Uni's sucks.

~, I will take care of my skin properly. I won't do facial that pinch my face and hurt myself. I'll just use pimple cream.

~, I will be more active in sports. I will learn Tennis with a serious attitude. I will learn netball and volleyball.

~, I will stop myself from biting my nails when I am young. xD

There's so much more. But it's just crazy to tell. Because some doesn't make sense to you all. So I'll stop here. But no matter how hard we try to change the pass. It's impossible.

It's impossible to change the pass. Learn the mistake we make, and make sure we didn't repeat them in the future. 

Have a goal in life and life your dream. =)

May all of us find our dream and our dream comes true. =D


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