Monday 5 March 2012

Day 38

Today is the first day of class. First day of Block 3 and I woke up late. I woke up at 7.15am, I don't know what to do. A little panic at first, but I wash my face, brush my teeth, start boiling hot water, wear my contact lenses, throw in those oats, change, comb my hair, pack my bag (put my phone in), scoop out the oats, eat them, apply face cream, then put water in the cooker (I'm gonna wash it as soon as I'm back to my room), off to class.

According to me, I'm late for 5 minutes. Lecturer is not there yet, because it's the first day of class. It's expected for students to be late. Not surprised at all. So I sit on the right, third row counting from the last. First class is by Mr Raju. I didn't feel sleepy. Hooray! He taught us Endocrinology. Next class is by Surekha. She taught us about Renal Physiology. =D So far it's OK, we've learned the basic before. Proximal convoluted tubule. After two Physiology class, it's DISSECTION CLASS!

About abdomen this Block. We saw external oblique muscle... until fascia trasversalis.
Then lunch time!
Rush back to my room. Miss Internet life so so much!
I cooked two packets of Maggi in order to save time.
And I watch 3 episodes of Wong Fu Weekends. Weehee~!
Back to class...
Went out at 1.35pm.

Class is by Sathish Nayak. Brief introduction about Abdomen. =D
Then it's PPD. =.=
But good news! We just need to fill in an feedback form and we're free!
Class ended at 3.30pm instead of 5pm. Woohoo!

I went back and sleep. =)
From 3.45pm to 5.45pm, I woke up, rush to get ready to End Point.
I'm suppose to leave my room by 5.30pm.
And the day turn dark and it's a bit late. =(
But I still went. I can't afford to take my own sweet time to walk, so I jogged.
And I walk in order to have some rest at the jogging track.
M and Umesh were there. So at least I have some company.

Got back at 7.15pm, quickly bathe, then cook my dinner.
Went to L's room to share the joy.
Back to room at 8.45pm and start studying.
Physiology first.

Done with Physiology.
I'm cooking soup while studying. Just left them aside to boil.
And now, I'm drinking the soup. Love it!!! xD
Super happy.

I'm gonna enjoy the soup now, after this, straight to Anatomy.
I knew my blog will be this bored after class start. =(
Stick with me readers. ='(
No, it's OK, just drop by anytime. =)

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