Tuesday 6 March 2012

Day 39 - Night

I ate my dinner. I cooked rice with carrots and potatoes in it. A little onion. Lastly I steamed some lady fingers.
I like my dinner tonight. Because I put oil and more salt this time. Not that healthy compare to last time.
I will reduce the amount of oil tomorrow. =D

I'm not feeling angry anymore! Just feeling sleepy. @_@
Faint. I don't want to feel sleepy! As you all know, I didn't finish reading Anatomy. =(
I need to cover tonight. Sigh...

I'm starting with Physiology tonight, then Biochemistry lastly Anatomy. =)
That's my plan for tonight.
I'm not sure whether I'll go online later tonight or not.
So this was my day, 2nd day of class.
I better plan what I want to eat for tomorrow. Hmm...
I'll cook oats again? Yup, I think so.
Nothing much for me to cook. =/
Only oats and I don't like eating oats! =(

I might go aka shop and get something tomorrow morning.
Alright, gtg now. Study study study!
That's medic student's life. =.=

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