Thursday 1 March 2012

Small small world

It's so surprising that my acquaintance know my acquaintance. Haha! It's like I'm talking with my friend and half way, what? You know him/her too?

It's so special for us to revolved around the same person because we share the same interest.
I often wonder what make us be around some certain people. For instance, how come my classmate is my classmate. And how I get so close with certain people. What is our relation in our last life. I'm a Buddhist. So I believe in last life and karma.

I also, for those people that you hate in your life, they will just be around you. Even after you left high school, they will just be there. Or even when you left your hometown and you wanted to meet someone you like or miss in your hometown very much, those that you hate will appear first. Like wth? I've been away for so long and those that I bumped into was them??!! LOL.

So I always wonder questions like what control our life. What control who we meet. What actually make me to end up in my college. Then what make me enter MMMC. Questions, questions. Do you ever wonder about questions like this? Questions that you don't know the answer. o_o

But no matter what happen to my life and who I met, good or bad, I'll still like my life. I still love those people around me. No matter they are good to me or real mean to me, I'll still be nice to them. Because we never know when we need their help. Lesson to the life is we need to be nice to everyone because relationship with people is important. Be nice to people and people will be nice too.

Friends are amazing! Some might be fast friend and stick together forever. Some might be best friend but ended up fighting. But however the ending is, we treasure the friendship when we are still friends. We respect each other and we enjoy spending time together. That's what friends are. We treasure the time being together and we feel sad when we are moving apart. It's like there's a line connecting us. =') We just don't feel like leaving each other.

I love my friends! Here, I want to thank the people around me. That makes me, me. Thanks to Mummy and Daddy, evil Sister, dearest Leader S and Blur S, my best friend in Manipal: L, J, C; my secondary school friend: M, Ky, Ly. And all my schoolmate, college mate, batch mate, Auntie, Uncle, teachers, lecturers, people working around me (cleaners, cashier, caretaker, etc.) and lastly, I must thank my enemy and those that make me mad.

Thanks to you people, I'm able to correct myself. I'm able to control my anger. And I learnt whom are the friend that I should trust. So we must be thankful for everything that happen to us! OK? Everything happen for a reason. Without those friend, we don't know what is the outside world! They are our personal trainer! So we must love them! Got it?

Alright, I think I'm gonna start another post. I just can't stop posting. Seeing the statistic about how many view per day. Just keep me going you know? Now I understand why Demi Lovato says that we, her fans, inspired her. She doing this for us. Just like I'm blogging this much for you people!

Because I'm afraid that when my classes starts, I will be busy and I will just post lousy post. So, we all kinda know this will happen no matter I try not to post lousy pointless post. But the busy schedule and shitty life will just bring me down. So, I'm trying my best to post more post right now. So that you guys can read it next time. =)

Thanks for reading my blog. I'm really glad that you guys read it. I really appreciate it. Do leave some comments to improve my English. Thank you so much! =) I'm really grateful.

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